🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Today I’ve discovered I like windwalker monks. Never really played them (usually just brewmaster), they’re surprisingly fun! I wasn’t expecting it. Glad I had the chance to try it


See tou dunkiee. Hope it soon!

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Enjoy your break Dunkiee!

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And lets not talk about those 2 albums without Bruce - although theres a couple of decent ones there…

Except the clansman :wink:

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This thead used to be mainly about food.

But the main guy for it got bullied off the forums because he stood up for me.

Be careful what you wish for not all things are as they seem here.

(As in a few of these people masquerade themselves)

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Haha noway, too early to go sleep yet. Were looking for conq farm for 3v3 on my priest and found two nice fellow and end up playing hour or some. Also copy pasta that were suppose to be pasta bolognese for todays meal end up be just boiled macarone with can of tuna cold so I didnt have to interupt playing, but atleast I found 2 new friends to play various comps with so its worth it :smiley:


Everyone needs to eat and almost everyone enjoy some type of music, I think food and music to be the universal concepts which everyone can find common language on no matter where theyre from or what language they speak :smiley:

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You would of liked said person, infact you are very simular to them in some ways.

Ill try contribute with atleast one food pic next week, maybe we get others join, I wouldnt mind seeing some bacon sandwitches :dracthyr_uwu:


As far as music goes, i was the top poster in the music thread even though i stopped posting multiple months back.

I noticed alot of the tunes you post from time to time was stuff i had posted long time back.

Maybe we have simular musical taste.


Nice, I dont rly have genre when it comes to music I listen anything that sound good to me, like currently Im going through tracks from folk band named Отава Ё that I dont understand a word they say but they sound good :smiley:

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Same i was raised to like all music which moves my soul.

The genre i listen to most commonly in day to day life however is classic rock.

Which is the music i was raised on by my father who was the worlds biggest T-rex fan

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It’s been a long long road but finally…




[quote=“Alythena-ravencrest, post:452, topic:514224, full:true”] like currently Im going through tracks from folk band named Отава Ё that I dont understand a word they say but they sound good :smiley:

I’m listening to alot of hip hop right now.

Broadening my horizons on that genre.

As of late.

Edit: next i been recommended the supertramp discography.

Followed by a indepth dive into the world of funk music.

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I listen station named nostalgia for backround noise mostly which mainly plays 60-70’s music from all genres and other station that only play classic rock. I actually havent setuped spotify yet, I like old school radio and youtube.

All have laugh at me and said that you need to get on spotify but I dont know why, it has no function to listen radio. I prefered winamp more, could make own lists and have url for radio stations. :dracthyr_a1:

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Nice to see the Gulp Frog murders nerfed. D.E.H.T.A. is overjoyed. Blizzard needs to take more robust action. Like ear collection quests for normal players to kill those that murdered the most.

Frog lives matter. Its bad enough that we are forced to kill animals in quests than allowing murder sprees.

How to Cultivate Potato Fairy


Ninja frog is the best uploader for random rain frogs, the permanently annoyed expression combined with round body and small legs :smiley:

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