🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

i guess both are true. the achi number is similar

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I am both Twilunas xD i ran out of likes on this alt so im using the other one aswell xD.

But never forget…





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achievement. sorry acronims and crasis in my company are so frequent that i use em everywehere.


The realtwiluna has slightly more achivement points than you though <.<… But if you your self are saying your both one of the same… I will take your word for it.

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I thought you mistyped ascii, Ive seen twilly use asciis! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

My favorite still the ascii troll from wowhead comments on troll racials thats regenerating 5hp and nothing no one can do about it. Its not only perhaps the best racial of all times but also really cool ascii and fits troll theme all things considered.


Well, I guess this has settled as the official GD chat room now. The happy weekday x is official stamp for it, like champagne bottle to christen boat! The whiskers have touched leg, the thread is now claimed official GD. Im glad all is well in the kingdom of forum again! :joy_cat:


A original Punyelf Mark of quality!


It was, thats why i left it

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Cats eating raw fish

Tuna fish - Feeding yummy tuna fish for hungry cats

Tell me my mass murdering in Fallout isn’t child friendly. I dare you!

There wasn’t a single drop of blood, real or artificial, spilled during the shooting of said video.


Been trying to get mine for the 4th time, but a brief vacay a year ago removed it and wasn’t active enough to regain it :c

My infernals stand ready.

So does my flamethrower.


Oops. Inner Nefarian almost broke loose.


Lessons in Magic: Levitate

I wish you good luck and im cheering on you! You can do it if you really put your mind to it! Make Radium proud (even though she doesnt frequent the forums anymore).


What’s in the egg?! #shorts

Cat’s Dune:Part two (Meow-Meow Trailer)

World has gone weird, yt shorts full teens in hoodies causing disturbance till some tells them leave after they tried do something for no effect, it rises two questions, whats wrong with them to film this type stuff and what makes them think theyre match to adults 3x their mass. Its like these some tiktok kids in my area kicking peoples front doors and then running away. I cant bother open door no more cause I know its some 14-15y kids. Last time I caught one of them there were 4 of them trying kick me while hold one from hoodie and waited police to come take them home to get lecture(or not) from their parents, theres so big difference in mass it makes no sense or why are they going kicking peoples doors for some tiktok things. I dont understand these at all but it seems to be constant in media so I guess its become more common than before. Im just thinking why, it seems so dumb as an idea all of it. Would think ppl would rather be home playing video games and not out causing disturbance, way more fun play video games than being dragged to police station I would imagine. I hope the tiktok challengers commiting crime for it understand it at some point how dumb it is.

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TikToker Facing 15 Years Prison For This “Prank”…

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Nice pranks, yeah these are exactly the type I imagine :joy: :+1:

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More Kittens

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Depends on the person , mass is a factor to strength yes.

But you can be a big guy with no knowledge on how to use it.

Or a skinny guy who is a mma champion.

Unlikely in most cases in day to day life but a skinny guy can beat a big guy if the knowledge is there.

Its the same with weightlifting im not a massive guy i recently increased my weight from 86kilos to 89kilos

But the weights i shift are more than bigger guys at my gym who weight between 95-110kilos or even in some scenarios above that if they are complete novice.

Its down to knowledge and experience.

Benchpress for example most people think its down strength but its not at all its all about technique once you realise that and start implementing correct techniques you shift bigger weight.

That is why i now bench nearly 35kilos over my own bodyweight.

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hunters pet ready to pull extra mob #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft