šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Thereā€™s very cheap mounts, so I donā€™t see why not.
Iā€™ve bought all the mogs I wanted and most of the cheaper mounts. Then I got the world boss mounts that never dropped for me. All thatā€™s left now are mounts I really wouldnā€™t use, but Iā€™ll buy them just for the sake of it, I suppose.

Iā€™ve leveled just 3 characters to 70 in remix, mind you. As long as you donā€™t waste currency on upgrading your gear, getting lots of stuff is easy.

Iā€™m testing skyriding mounts, the animations for flying horses are gorgeous (I tested Blanchy). :sparkles:


Love the misty effect its cool pic :smiley:

I made this from insulation foam board for A/C hose, just the window isnt closeable with it nowā€¦ idk if its good or if it will start annoy on long run to remove it to close window. The A/C machine looks like R2D2 and its as noisy! Compressor on these machines makes alot sound it covers music and all game sounds unless use headphones.



I tought that it were coming to DF, or maybe Im mistaken it to the achievement that let us use old flying in DF zones. Now I get your pic even more, Mystic Runesaber will be cool too!


464??? jesus

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I miss youā€¦ My catā™„

Does Wonderous Wavewhisker work? :pleading_face:

Just about every mount can skyride.

i misread. i thought they introuced 464 NEW mounts in tww.

All the horses will look cool with dragonride. :dracthyr_nod:

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Good morning, congratulation, you are my son ! Great

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Yes, it has skyriding. I canā€™t test it because it doesnā€™t show up in my beta collection (I have it on retail though).

YIPPEEE!!! I was so worried it wasnā€™t going to be I love that fish!

Itā€™s the 4 world boss mounts I particularly want as Iā€™ve tried for them over and over again with no success.

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I feel you. I did the same. I bought two of them; the other ones I donā€™t particularly care for.

Honestly: Me still farming them before Remix was a thing, was more of a routine than anything. Iā€™ll probably never (or hardly ever) use them.

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yesterday i saw for the first time a guy with galleon mount. first time in years.

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I finally took my record player & LP collection from my parentā€™s houseā€¦ Tesla, you will understand. :eyes:


Tesla the Wise, Scholar of Ricchi :thinking:


Also, Vandalino too. You need to post more here! :pinched_fingers: