🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

I’m a bit at a loss this week, I’ve mostly been riding as my exam is getting closer :face_with_spiral_eyes: shall I upgrade my gear in mop remix or not? I no longer know if it’s better to level alts or keep going on just 1 character. Also, is it my connection or the lag is really bad lately?


I don’t, since I only collect bronze for the couple of mounts I want to buy (Houlon & not sure about the other one).

Also good luck for your exam! :sparkles:

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That depends on how much time you have to play it. If you’re going to get a lot of time and you want to be able to do heroic and mythic raids then yes, upgrade your gear. If you don’t have a lot of time and would rather just get a few cosmetics and/or alts out of it, then just get to 70 and spend your bronze then make another toon for further bronze.

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I definitely don’t have much time, so I guess I’ll go with option 2, thanks!

Dua Lipa, nice!


Her debut album is great. :fire: Especially “Be The One” is one of the best pop songs since at least 2010 (imho). Not really into what she sings now, a bit too revival-disco-generic for my taste, but still far better than most recent pop acts. :sparkles:



So… Wee Fergus is learning the hard way that eating snails is not a very clever thing to do.

Ive had to clean up 3 times.


if you finish all the stuff like mog and mounts i would say yes… so you can faceroll low level content and do high end things.

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Where’s the Summer? It’s freaking cold these past few days!

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Started my 7 days off :person_raising_hand:


Enjoy your time off! :grin:

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It’s so coooold, why is it cold? It’s June stop being cold!!!

Britain never really seems to get the memo. We get teased with the odd nice day and then it’s either horrible or heatwave.

The shells as well? I think he needs some gentle persuasion that it’s not a good idea …

Bleeeeeeech. Next worse thing to dogs eating bugs is dogs getting stuck with bugs.

Kiva got slugs stuck in her fur as a baby. She used to get so hot in the summer (strangely now the coolest dog despite the most fur) and so I’d let her just lay outside if she wanted to, door open at night. Then once she came in all upset and I was like what… what is that in your fur? OH MY GOD IT’S A SLUG BLECH!

She also gets wasps tangled up in there, they’re a bit of a nightmare to get off her. Have to grab a stray leaf and hope.

Diesel used to lay in the garden or walk through all the bushes and then bring gaint spiders in.

You win! Keep them away!

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