🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

They’d just be wandering around the house the next day and I’d be like that twitter link I did earlier :rofl:

I cant stand spiders, they are unholy abominations with too many eyes and legs. I will use everything I can to get rid of such if its indoors the living premises.

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This is about to get interesting :popcorn:

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Dislike of spiders? I dont think its too uncommon really, Ive never liked them. :dracthyr_shrug:

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you had my attention now you have my curiosity gif

I dont have likes left So here <3 xD also what Nim said :joy:

I have no idea whats stirred this time but Im sure I did inform during the last unnessecary dramas stirred into this thread not long ago to put few on ignore as its simply not what I want to see here. I see replies on me occasionally from few but I think its kinda pointless. I have fun play the game and use forum for friendly banter with other ppl I know to play the game but I dont care to witness or engage in anything else. Everyone are free to do their own thing aslong its in lines of the set rules. :dracthyr_shrug:


Heres another like <3


Ive heard some to use spiders on hunter pets to scare ppl with dislike for spiders but I havent seen a spider in wow yet that would cause the effect one gets in real, I guess wow gfxs are too cartoonish for it. Silver lining for somebody who dislike spiders alot. :smiley:

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Isn’t it against the forum rules to post personal mail with character names in it? :eyes:

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Might be? On the one hand it could be naming and shaming. On the other, it’s a screenshot he took of a letter he got. I guess it boils down to whether or not someone is offended.

In that case I might have a look to take screen of such as that sure is reportable. And I would make ticket of such. And youre right it would be against rules. It kinda would fall into naming and shaming and the “to cause distress/inflammatory comments” category so it would make it flaggable aswell.

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Alythena… did you really think I was a troll this entire time though?

Is he speaking the truth?

Look more like an undead vulpera.

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I actually have a really cool concept and rp plan for that. But shush fullsocks ><…

Alythena was my fren… Low key this mail kinda hurt.

I know Ive said some stuff lately that not everybody agrees with. But this? Yeah it kinda hurt


And of course the drama in the other thread was not enough. Always about yourself, right?

Hey cheese why don’t you post as your real self and not hide behind a classic char? If your gonna talk hot :poop: Against me I mean

I mean I am not hiding? Why are you? Even Afenton has more guts than you do. At least she can talk too me face too face

Can’t believe I’ve been caught out sending spitful mail about people in game and now I have to act all superior about it and blame the guy I was saying spiteful things about. People need to get that I am in charge here and decide what can and can’t be posted here and who is allowed to even post in here. Don’t dare call me out for my bad behaviour ever. I need some nasty lemon jelly cheesecake now.