šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Hiding what? Arenā€™t we all posting with game characters? Or are you a vulpera wearing a skull on your face irl?

Well lol. It was pretty obvious anyway.

Thank you, I have all I need now to make report, I know some want stir drama with any means necessary but I also might aswell do what I know I can to what I know to be violation of rules here as I dont really care see it.

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Murley come on? Are you cheese? xD No shame in coming clean

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Donā€™t species-shame.


Sure, why not. I wasnā€™t even hiding it that well. I guess anyone has secret characters around here, who doesnā€™t love a bit of drama? :eyes:

(thatā€™s the only one I have though).

No harm no faulā€¦ I am not even mad.

But you clearly have something against me though right? What is it?

Today it was a bit too much drama now with that ingme mail thing. I donā€™t even know whatā€™s happening anymore.

Sorry about thatā€¦ I can delete it if you wantā€¦ Its just I was accused of things beforeā€¦ And I think these guys are behind it.

Afenton seems too believe i have whispered him in game asking him/her for adviceā€¦ Truth is if that actually happen

I think somebody is impersonating meā€¦ and I think its the same guys who are sending us all in game mails about each other.

Unless Afenton just made that up just too make me look bad. Witch I can also very much believe.

Hah! I didnā€™t expect that. Definitely a good twist :popcorn:

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Nothing personal really. I honestly didnā€™t like some of your posts in the trading post thread, thatā€™s it. And honestly I see some similarities between you and Twiggz, so I was teasing a bit about that. :eyes:

And you have to explain me the ā€œtooā€ error, because it looks way too fake. :melting_face:

If you didnā€™t like my trading post replies then fairā€¦ Allot of people didnā€™tā€¦ And its actually something I am still taking in and still reading and processingā€¦ I still dont see from my perspective how I was all the evil things people labeled me asā€¦ But that doesnt mean I still couldnā€™t have had the wrong view of thingsā€¦

That being saidā€¦ Me being twiggs? Really? Like are we - that- simmilar? Twiggs even dunked on me not too many posts agoā€¦

Long story shortā€¦ No ā€¦ I am not twiggs xD twiggs have even dunked on me in this and past threads before.

I even went in good for him. And he called me dramatic and told me to stop defending him evenā€¦ Twiggs doesnā€™t like me very much


I mean, not long ago we had multiple personalities talking to each other about vulperas with diapersā€¦ I will expect anything from these forums. :joy:

I was just a bit silly today. Sorry about that. I really donā€™t have anything against anyone here, itā€™s just a game forum after all.

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Me thinks someone pushed the friendly giant too far and he needs big hug! And food.

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Heres a trick for you Murley if you ever wonder who people are againā€¦ You can actually confirm it by cross referencing their pets and achievements.

If ever in doubt again. You can click me and anyone you think is meā€¦ If both characters are from the same account? We will have the same battle pets chosen and the same amount of pets.

Doesnā€™t work when they hide their user profile or use classic characters. Thatā€™s why people do it, to stop others from finding who they are. Sometimes it is legit reasons because they are getting too much heat or being stalked online, mostly itā€™s just people wanting to say what they feel without much backlash I think.

Aaaaaw! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Well, we all need foodā€¦ so there you go:


You can still manually search them up and still see them. Besides none of my characters have hidden profiles no?

Really? :writing_hand:

And you can say that but doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true sadly.

Are those chocolate truffles next to all the cheese and crackers? :eyes:

I know that, but Iā€™m a bit an overthinker so I thought it could be another accountā€¦ you never know! :eyes: