🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Yaw’ll need triple butter popcorn!

Another thing I miss from the States, and way too expensive to have shipped over.

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If it’s twiggz it’ll be my fault, I have a vendetta against him apparently.

I’m not surprised. They do seem to like doing things like a high-end restaurant and add a lot more butter to everything.

Is that just a soup of melted butter with popcorn floating in it?

It’s actually the best popcorn I’ve eaten, Orville Redenachers.

I devoured this stuff back in the States it was soooooo good just out the micro

But 8:50 for 3 bags…


Texas Roadhouse… Longhorn Steakhouse… Outback… Applebees… Chic’fil-a (I’m sure I’ve mentioned them a few times)… always guaranteed to get a fantastic meal and enough for a doggy back to take home.



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True story lol, I can only play Gears of War after the first when my wife is away, if she hears me playing Gears of war I get yelled at “THAT BETTER NOT BE GEARS OF WAR YOU’RE PLAYING YOU KNOW I HATE THAT GAME AFTER DOM’S WIFE!”

It was 16 years ago … let it go!!!

And if you thought that was bad, she was inconsolable after Dom’s death in 3, which to be fair, I can’t watch either without a lump. That and seeing a Carmine survive a game.

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The wife subplot was the worst part of the game :no_mouth: I was glad when we got past it.

Brilliant game storytelling and you felt so sorry for him yet happy as well he was finally going to see his wife.


What was it, rule 4 or 5? Yeah :')

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Thats probably because everytime i post here i just came back off a ban?

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Reusing Mad World was what made it a good scene for me.

Continuing the discussion from How To Get To The Shadowland :skull_and_crossbones::

I hate that rule #4


I actually never broke any rules there.

Never said it was your fault either?

I even claimed as much in the removed post.

Not my fault you see yourself as the popular elf i was referring to.

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For crying out loud. Nobody cares Twiggz. You just come and ruin this place every time.

Guys, seriously, we all just need to put him and others on block and stop encouraging it. I am doing so now.

If I get a tiny forum vacation for what I have said I don’t care.


So you’re on the 25th?

some faimilair names in that thread, I particularly miss Emje and Shadazzle.


Lol funny.

This place was ruined without me here.

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27th. I’ll be 50…

Good god…

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