🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Oh right, before. Don’t mind my lack of reading.

Byy the way, doing any better, Nim? Last night you said you weren’t feeling well

Enjoy the same recycled conversations over and over though.


Ill leave you all in peace.

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Yeah a bit. I had a really bad headache all day and any game with a moving camera made me feel horribly sick. Hopefully it has gone now but sometimes it lasts 3 days. Thanks for asking, how was your raid?


Oh wow. Hope it’s gone for good.

Aanyways, I dare say it went well :dracthyr_nod: Though we had 1 tank after Twiluna leaving so i found myself spam healing like I haven’t in a long long while


Do you plan on making other old raids in the future? I almost wanted to join but I wasn’t feeling that well either this weekend (nothing serious, just ASD related anxiety stuff).


50 is a good age! No waving canes yet.

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Chronormi organises them every timewalking week I believe.


Cheer up Soul
It is just half-a-century

Feel free to check their discord and reach out to the lovely person organising them. Though considering they’ve done a few I don’t see why not

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Join the discord for the TW raids then you’ll never miss out.

Chronormi usually does a forum post for each event as well.

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The way my feet are going I will be a double amputee in a wheelchair by the time I’m 55.

Stick blades on them and become a superhero.

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Machine gun
alĂĄ Planet Terror

Thank you both! I just joined. :sun_with_face:


I like this idea better tbh, I can hurtle down the streets at night terrorizing drunk people and kids out late night on e bikes

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this thread just dies when im not here to keep it alive anyway

just glad my ban was only a few days and not months like usual though if you ask me personally

i wont post here again anyway


You say “terrorizing”, I see “cleaning up the streets”. Thank you for your service old-timer o7


Flag me again bud you get me a month this time :wink:


I’ll take my Jolly Roger in red please.

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