🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

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is that an admission?

i thought you were alright but i guess i was wrong about you too

you of all people shock and disappoint me the most

this thread will die without me to keep it going


this morning i stood in front of the extreme gym i go to … my semi bald head shining in the morning light… quite a sight if you ask me personally

inside, the scent of sweat, blood and metal filled the air … making me feel like i had stepped into heaven itself…

my routine began with 65423 push-ups and deadlifts … as i worked out i noticed several women glancing my way … i used to feel invisible… especially after being homeless for 17 minutes but now i know why they were looking at me

one woman approached me… “You train hard,” she said… admiration and lust in her eyes… “I see you here every day.”

i smiled and replied “It’s my way of life, if you ask me personally”

we’re getting married in a few days … in my mind

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Isn’t there a way to stop people impersonating others? That’s 3 different people impersonating Twiggz within a dozen posts. Can’t even report them as they don’t come under any of the categories.

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I totally get it.
At first glance you’d be forgiven for thinking the series is nothing but hurr-durr macho men doing macho stuff. But the characters are surprisingly likable and believable which hurts when the story is so bleak and delivers gut-punch after gut-punch just when you began seeing some hope in their dark existence… Immediately followed by cutting a locust in half with a chainsaw-gun ^^

Wanting to report something just because you don’t like it is a problem on this forum in itself.

Its just satire, whats the harm in it?

Unfortunately not, you just have to not respond to them I think. No likes, no replies, no nothing. Even if you find it funny just don’t grant it any attention.

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Ignore them.

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I have no idea why Blizzard don’t just give us btag posting.

As far as I’m aware unless it’s a direct impersonation, as in claiming to be that individual and trying to fool others, then there is no wrong doing in Blizz’s eyes.


I see no reason why they haven’t except they either don’t care or can’t be bothered. The excuse some people come out with like"oh we need it to look at a person’s armoury" doesn’t wash with me because it’s not like you can’t go looking at their armoury the old fashioned way and as for "oh they might stalk me onto the game!

Anyone that cowardly or desperate enough would find you anyway and you can always block and report if they harass you.


It is a shame blocking doesn’t actually hide the posts properly and it is just <1 Hidden Post> my forum is now filled with them because so many people are on it lol. Also if you block someone on WoW they can still send you mail, and whilst you can’t receive it you do get a notification you have it and it won’t go away. Also you have to block them on all your other characters. It’s just really, really poorly implemented.


Good luck finding someone in game from their btag, unlike your character name, unless you specifically create a Classic char for forum posting.


I have honestly been tempted. It seems even with the option of disabling external sites to use my information (so you can’t find me on PvP trackers or whatever) my alts are found. I have no idea how people do it, but it’s creepy.

Well, in a way I’m glad we’re like this. It feels a little more personal, you know? Everyone picks a character to represent them in some way. Be it through a name, race, transmog, you name it.

That’s one way among many. Can’t say I like this site at all, it’s basically a pvp raider.io but with the stalking aspect.

I don’t know if it’s technically possible, but what about battle-tag with a character as the avatar image (without name)?


Ugh, that was not working on me before. I’m really mad that it does. Still, you can’t see my alt list there so I don’t know how that is working.

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It could be, but that means expecting they’d put in the effort. Do you see character posting in the diablo forums?

I’m not sure, I think people need to check multiple of your characters? I definitely never set up an account there yet many of my characters show

Someone found a day old alt on remix on a completely different server. I am still baffled how.

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You’ve got some fans it seems

I’ll not get into it but it’s solved for now but it really shook me that people can find me like that when I couldn’t even find the character myself without knowing her name.

Edit: Seems the option for sharing is on again, I suspect it’s due to my sign up to the research stuff.