šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Bwahahahah we donā€™t use that here but I got it. :rofl:

Yeah, I tried. Will be the last time though.

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its a sort of ā€œfishing in troubled watersā€ metaphor.

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Not heard that one :thinking: But I almost never fish, especially now that the only reason to (the turtle) is on the trading post :smile:

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There is a lot of people here not seeing the bigger picture.

Either out of comfort, anxiety or whatever.

Be it their choice.

But this stuff will always happen as a result of that.

Hm so much for him leaving us alone. Seriously, the only way to stop it is for everyone to not respond and eat cake.


Take some of Nimā€™s awesome strawberry cupcakes, yeah

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Rainbow cake for everyone! Even clones! :sparkles:


Do you think each colour is separately flavoured?

I would hope so.

But i got a feeling that is all one falvour.

Makes it a lot less impressive.

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Donā€™t think so. Looks fun but I think Iā€™d prefer an old fashioned Sacher Torte or similar.

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Tried making one of those once. It was disgusting :rofl:


My work is done for today, I outraged a gang of Taylor Swift fans on facebook by telling them I didnā€™t particularly care to hear her thin scratchy voice singing about her 125th breakup this week.

Oh the temerity that someone doesnā€™t like the Goddess.


That isnā€™t cake. That is the physical manifestation of diabetes.

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Visually it looks great.

But when i go to buy a cake, i dunno if it is just me here.

I dont buy based on looks.

I buy based on taste and flavour.

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And speaking as a diabetic I for one would climb over my dead mother to eat that gorgeous piece of sugar and carbs

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It could use sweetner instead of sugar for all you know, sassy pants!


I tend to not be a massive fan of most modern pop music either.

Talor swift is more of a.

How to say it, fad than a talent imo.

Thatā€™s what the sugar industry would want me to think. Iā€™ll stick to mana bread to be safe.

Yeah because mana isnā€™t addicting at allā€¦ :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Why did you sully that delicious piece of diabetes with health food like raspberries you silly woman. Go and think on your life choices!

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I can stop chewing bloodthistle whenever I want.