🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

I like raspberries :frowning:

Only fruit i eat are haribo flavours

Can I have some

I always share. Otherwise I’ll get fat(ter) :smile:

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And carrots!

Health food!

Douse those things in gallons of chocolate, then wrap them again and again in granulated sugar and to make it really Scottish.

Deep fry that bad boy

We’ve stopped buying carrots because the dogs want them but it just goes straight through them. Unless they’re in the pots of microwave veg we get of course.

Don’t worry, gluten free cakes and bread have twice the amount of sugar in them to make up for a couple raspberries :+1:

Yes, I fell off the keto wagon. If I have to look at another piece of red meat and egg I will vomit.

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Can I wrap bacon around that?

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Yeah my two are the same except they just want to chew the carrot and leave pieces everywhere. Especially Wee Fergus who thankfully is now a lot better and has learned to avoid snails.

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Haha good boy. Well that’s fine, I don’t mind clearing shredded carrot up, better than them eating what they shouldn’t and clearing up the other end…

Ruki has pica so the amount of times I’ve had to shove my hands in his mouth to stop him eating the stupidest things goes past how far I can count. He will give it up for a sweet eventually but I have to grab hold of the item else om nom gone and no more dog. (How he hasn’t died yet from the crap he eats I don’t know)

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Yeah its a bit of a problem. I wanna flag for trolling but for a moderator that wont read the context its just gonna seem like false flags so i never report them.


I prefer troll free posting, or at least heavily reduced. It would give everyone more anonymity too. None of the armory shaming.

Just a bunch of people discussing with ehatever avatar.


People like this always find a way to be rude to others unfortunately

purfect party

You know what else we need?
Cheesy garlic bread


She’s cheating!
Some of the best stuff is somehow even better now

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Come on, we all know you had front row tickets for all her Edinburgh shows :rofl::rofl:

Thanking I eat WholeCake I am trying to increase .


I must resist the urge to go to the store now…

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soul is secretly ts nr 1 fan!

When you learn to cook dried pasta, you can get garlic bread. Now go practise making boiling water in a pan.