🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

But you still love him or her … they just wanted to be close to you :heart:


Of course I do! I wuvs her to infinity and beyond! She’s my little darling bear! :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
If you care about furniture, don’t get pets!
More like an “Oooh yoooou.” Hands on hips



I found some sweet potato tarts in a Japanese site. Yall are getting me addicted to sweets through your posts


My parents made a ricotta cake the other day, I don’t took an actual photo but it looked exactly like this:

Loved it! :yum:


Sweet potato isn’t really… dessert sweet. Blergh.

Idk, ever since my brother showed me taste combos like sweet+salty, sweet&sour, etc, I love that kind of thing. There’s a reason why I’m crazy about lemon pies in particular


Forums in the fritz again list of characters doesnt show I cba hassle. Misplayed terribly for barber today, drove town and greeted owners of the shop and sat down to wait till after 30min one said they got no time today. Lesson learnt, always book in advance or ask immediately when step in place even if they advertise as no appointment needed. :joy:

Also whats with phones now that allegedly they dont come with charger when you attempt purchase new phone, the guys in store said its normal but I have hard time digesting it. You would pay +300 euros for mid range phone and there wouldnt be cable or charger with the purchase. Is this really normal now, I havent bought phone in 8 years, now need to update cause apps will stop working in december 2024 for its android system.


I’m afraid it’s normal, yes. I understand because it’s a massive waste to get a charger with every phone but many people just buy a new charger regardless so it probably isn’t actually doing the thing they want it to do other than make people buy 2 things at once

Likely has just as much to do with them having been strongarmed by the EU into using the same type of USB for charging now, so unless it’s changing from a much older phone to a new one then it usually isn’t as big of an issue.

Damn, I hope I can use my old charger and get cheap cable from some general store place. Thats shame to hear if they sell them without any accessories now. They used to come with ear buds even and charger with cable were the minimum what you get if you purchase new phone. :smiley:

Spare antenna
Spare battery
Spare rubber button-pad
Replacable battery
Interesting and clever design
Wired handsfree
Computer cable
Memory card slot
Sim card slot
Aux port

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Now im thinking something from the 90’s, I remember when some had one of those suitcase phones in his car. :smiley:

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My first “cellphone” was of the suitcase type.

Not that exact one but very close.
Slightly cumbersome ^^


That’s a very small screen for playing Snake.


Ye I remember that one it was funny, ppl legit just had it in car cos it was too much trouble carry around :smiley:

Oh ye.
Kept it in the truck like 90% of the time.
But it was phone that you COULD carry with you.
Very sci-fi.

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Maybe tetris if you held it on its side.

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I was in elementary school when that thing was new lol. Got my first cell phone at 17 and it was this one (I wanted it because it had a cool blue light). Still got it in my parent’s basement somewhere.


Nokia 3310 and worm snake ofc :smiley:

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