🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Nooo :dracthyr_cry_animated:

I hope you come back for the pre-patch or at very least TWW!


Take care and enjoy the summer, hope to see you back soon :blush:


I’ll probably be unable to say no to someone asking help so who knows, might be sooner than expected :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

(also thanks, i didn’t expect such a response)

Y’all shall receive random likes sometimes

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Take care and have a fun summer! :sun_with_face: I won’t going anywhere, my sub runs out in 2025. :eyes:


You are a nice person whom I agree with a lot on the forums, part of the GD fam. Of course you will be missed! I can’t wait for the pre-patch and TWW release where we all get to hype over it in here and mostly avoid all the naysayers in every other thread in existence.


I’m fairly certain you’re considered one of the nice and rational regular posters and are generally well liked.


Yeah same, think it said it will be renewed in september 2025 last time i checked :sweat_smile: not sure how that happened since thats more then a year away… maybe cause i at some point upgraded from 6 month sub to 12 month sub and also had some gametime from buying tww.

In my case it was a promotion they did, I can’t really remember but you could get some mounts with it? And I did the RAF thing so I got several months added as well.

Yeah i got the RAF thing aswell

(Thanks for the responses, seriously.)

You may have upgraded to 12 months but it shouldn’t tax you for more until those 12 pass. So it’s gotta be because of the 1-2 months you got off of the war within

It doesnt matter, i’ll be here :smile:


And that’s awesome news for everyone


Epic TWW as well! Now it makes sense.
Mine runs until May 2025 so you won’t get rid of daddy Starney that easily. :eyes:

(I just had the weirdest conversation at Goldshire about who was the only dad in beach gear allowed to stay in the inn… I just love this server.)

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Remove this… this… delicious… diabetes ridden… gloriously chocolatey…

dies heroically of diabetic coma like a male blood elf


Reaching for the cake, face covered in icing.


I may or may not have done this before…

Actually!! CAKE!!

Nim… I make an awesome carrot cake lol


:eyes: Yeees? One is intruiged.

When you say that you support it with a recipe, for the future.

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Same here! It feels more October than mid-June. Going to my parents for dinner later, I must remember to put on my winter shoes otherwise I’ll have wet socks all evening…bleh

Carrot cake (Rüeblitorte) is a specialty of here (Canton Aargau), it’s really delicious, especially those marzipan carrots. :yum: