🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Cause the uncalled passive aggressive remark that I would only talk to myself or the attempt to make fun of my post count on a platform which purpose is exactly that people post on it. Im just surprised that some would want start new thread by making this kind of insult of others. :dracthyr_shrug:

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They take no responsibilty for their actions.

Then spread lies to others about people they do not like.

Their reply to my first comment is typical from them.

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Time to put you again on ignore.

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It feels so silly to just judge or care about it. If someone’s active and got time so be it. I’m not sure why this warrants a fight or a remark even.

Like we have a guy who claims to be paying 13 euro a month to post on a forum?
Ok, so what? Anyone judging that? No. Neither should they. You make your own choices, you chat, read a book, w/e. I don’t see why it matters. You’re not hurting anyone doing that. It’s your free time, money, will, whatever and holy crap - you have a right to spend it your way.

I’m not defending anyone, not taking sides, this whole fight is so silly and genuinely just pointless and stupid. What’s the whole point in just finding the dumbest random thing to make a remark on, knowing it’ll make someone unhappy? Like just stop. Read a book, play some game. You’ve got a better use of your time than this.


I’m very confused as I can’t see any offensive or critical remarks … I took the post as a joke about an observation.

Also the whole thing’s Puny’s fault anyway as she made the last post in thread 2.


'tis the rule.


is always puny’s fault, you know.


Yeah exactly I only get offended of being insulted randomly of my post count or some slander that I would only talk to myself on this forum. Which isnt true.

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But also the first thing was not really that offensive. You kinda exploded on him out of nowhere. Obviously there’s bad blood between you for whatever reason buut maybe there’s a better way.

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Well it kinda were tho as it suggested I would have none to talk with here or only talk with myself. Which isnt true. Anyway I dont see reason to dwell on it further and its only causing unrest if we do, imo would be best if we move onwards.

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Its always my fault



Twiluna had just posted on Twinaaki and people were speculating about a Twilly version of Puny


Punyluna, obviously.

Or maybe Puniluna?

… Twillyelf?


I still don’t understand … I read it as a joke not an insult or offensive. It’s the sort of thing British people say to each other - maybe it’s a case of different countries’ sense of humour? I don’t know but it just seemed very odd to me.
Can’t you just shake hands and move on? It’s been much more peaceful in the Chat Room recently and it would be a real shame if the atmosphere changed because of something that was probably a misunderstanding :cry:


Puniluna sounds like medicine … I think it needs the ‘y’ rather than an ‘i’


Exactly the reason to my surprise, after such friendly atmosphere suddenly uncalled remark that I would be talking only to myself generally which is not true. Its a fun platform for me to chat with people who also play wow and I talk with alot of people on the platform daily. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I made a comment about the post count nothing more, they then started attacking because they took that personally.

I was merely joking about it though.

It has surpassed the “do not delete this thread” by this point for sure, that was restarted like twice back in the day xD


Well, neither of you took it well. Aly exploded and you retaliated. Both of you could have handled it better. Both of you still can. It’s not too late to just forget and find better ways in the future*.

*obviously it won’t be the last time people fight here

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What this shows is people do not understand brittish humour :joy: