🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Ah that also makes it bit better :joy:

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Thanks :smiley:

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Weirdest thing for me now is playing on a server where there isnt as many people on as AD… so world bosses and rares might take a while xD

Pish posh.
As a strong independent blood dk you don’t need anyone else.
Just gotta solo those bad boys like blizz intended.


I could make gnome and goblin with body 1 and everything else I just make body 2 as default because I can :joy:

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Im really liking this one The Brothers Sun atm I just wish it had more than 1 season cause Im going through these 8 episodes like consuming water. Theyre rookie amount of episodes for some mega consumer like me :dracthyr_a1:

Mandarin version of First Cut is the Deepest were brilliant :smiley:

hello there. back at home. i discovered now i had to open every remix char in order to pass them to reality. the problem is the mog is resetted too! abh
how are you all?


The shirt is same way this one rdruid mdi streamer made trademark of, he was my favorite streamers in bfa and ppl often asked of the style he wear shirt and he joked that if other streamers do it he can do it too which is absolutely correct :joy:

Just yday I was legit thinking that were is tesla, you were away long enough that I started to wonder what happen to tesla :smiley:

Did you have good trip in Slovenia?

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Welcome back! :eyes:

Everything ok… holidays over, back to work… new expansion is fun! And it’s Friday! So not too bad at all. :smiley:


It’s connected with a couple of others, isn’t it? Moonglade & The Sha’tar which should mean there are a few more people around.

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It is a connected realm yes, but i can also see why xD

AD seems more populated than the connected realms im currently on xD

I am basing it on the Memory even a few nights ago when i compared AD and the other ones xD

I can now start talking to myself on the forum as well xD

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Argent Dawn’s one of the biggest realms so it’s bound to be bigger.



I’m quite surprised the forum isnt in an uproar about being able to do keys at level 80 and get 590 gear xD

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its a wonderful country. wonderful green and the hikes were nice! i did a brief stop\go in treviso (italy) to visit a girl but it never went as good as i hoped :smiley:
btw im happy to be here and i update my warband for tww!


It also has little to no sharding so not to ruin the rp environment.
AD is the closest one can get to the segregated realm servers we had before.
It feels cozy running around in the world and recognizing people and guilds.


Ill still have eggs and bacon, times can change but food not so much, porridge is still made of wheat and chickens continue make eggs :joy:

I feel like ad is the last “mmo realm” left in terms of socializing, i still talk to ppl on ravencrest and draenor too and find ppl joke back with me or have random banter tho.

Sounds experience rich trip then and still good, fishermen keep throwing the net to catch fish :joy:


Asking AI To Make A Hit Country Song Called Country Cowboy Rocket Man