🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

That saves time thanks man :ok_hand:

I wouldnt mind, none of my chars are in any guild yet. Been waiting something funny to join in. Like look at punys new guild, thats what its about :smile:

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Diablol 1 - All Episodes [Director’s Cut]


Oh man I miss d3 witch doctor and the zoo builds and the shaman/voodoo theme in general, d4 looked alright but it didnt have witch doc so didnt buy it. Only class I ever really played were witch doctor

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idk what happened with d4 - the beta was really fun, but the main game felt boring and repetitive. The first patch they released nerfed lots of classes so it stopped being fun. Tried again recently for a bit and got bored quickly.

Last Epoch is fun tho. I never got into POE and found it too complex.

Its a much better game now since the forging update but it’s still a tough slog from 50 to 70, I find myself spamming the bejesus out of the whispering tree quests.

I also switched from mouse and keyboard to controller and I found that switch so much better gameplay wise especially as a rogue.

I played on my PS5 cause all the clicking on my mouse was hurting my hand and controller felt much better. Also it kinda feels suited to a console. :stuck_out_tongue:

Diablo is the type of game that I could see better on controller yeah, handful of abilities and the isometric camera angle not needing to look around with mouse like in wow

And of course racing games :stuck_out_tongue:

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It say on the lvl 70 character boost service and the link it provides that we cant gain the heritage armor if use it :dracthyr_a1:

In game we get greeted by quest telling us to go speak with alleria windrunner to gain the heritage armor. Well, I dont have any idea whats going on but Ill take it :joy: :+1:

I have reached my final form! MALE TWILUNA!!!



“Oh my god he’s HIDEOUS!!”


Aren’t void elves a copy of us blood elves? They’re the equivalent of a real and fake Rolex? :stuck_out_tongue:

You wrote “Body 1” wrong. Still best body though, hence why it’s #1.


Dramatic tropical moments.


lets be honest, anyone would look terrified if you were over their right shoulder…

“Is he still there?”
“Yes Jaina. Yes, he is.”
whispers “Oh god, maybe if I play dead he’ll wander off…”


The chicken looks like it doesn’t care at all what’s going on.



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Well atleast there was sale on character services, the little bit good that can think of this :joy:

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Nah with remix i just completely made a new Twiluna on another server xD felt weird playing a belf tank without it being named Twiluna xD

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It was kind of difficult justifying any character service when one could level a new one under an hour.
Also, dig the new look! +1