🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

So true. I wasn’t born into money either, working class family. My previous partner though was what could be classed as comfortable. I still say that having the money didn’t make up for being unhappy, now on my own I don’t have much money, but I am much happier :smiley:

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I could repeat again how money would buy me happiness but it seems futile. If it didn’t sink in the first dozen times I said it, it’s not going to sink in now


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I’m already in mine :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I did say we would agree to disagree, I thought it would be an interesting conversation and we could all be civil.

I didn’t intend for anybody to care, I was explaining as to why I was unhappy even being comfortable.

It seems things are getting to heated, I won’t respond again.

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Ppl were talking if money causes happiness or not, yes it can but it also does not fix everything and we can also find happiness without money in any individual interests of our. We cant think that money is the answer for everything either.

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I don’t think anyone claimed it fixes everything, just that it can fix a lot.

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It doesn’t fix everything but if you have enough money, you can keep throwing money at a problem in order to increase the probability of resolving the problem.

Without money you couldn’t even try.

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I’m sure if someone had some incurable disease and if they had a lot of money, they wouldn’t just sit back and go “it is what it is”. They’d be throwing the money into research which ultimately would help them and other sufferers.

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That wasn’t heated. Different people value different things. For some the be all and end all is to be in a relationship, that their life is meaningless and empty without it. To them that is what makes them happy. To others relationships are nice but not the ultimate definition of what does or does not fulfil them/make them happy. Others like me who are so done with relationships would rather have a dog :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

For me it’s money, literally buys me happiness. For others it’s a miracle cure of what ails them. But the saying about money not buying happiness irks people whose lives would literally be made happy by it. Not secure, actual full on happiness.

You personally believe that your happiness isn’t affected by money and that’s fair enough. That doesn’t mean you can’t accept that for others it does.


In the meantime, heres my ‘just got out of bed’ look


Alot of things are fixed with money, and then alot of things are not. And alot of things cause happiness with or without money.


I am not a morning creature


I bought a nespresso in the amazon prime day sale, that helps make me a morning person



I have had one for years. It helps no end with mornings :dracthyr_love_animated:

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purrsday poetry https://katzenworld.co.uk/category/purrsday-poetry/

The Furry Princess Fairy’s rarely seen:
She rises in the glory of the morn
And tiptoes pure as dreams are ever born
Upon an emerald lawn forever green.
The grasses kiss her toesies, each toe bean
And every dewdrop weeps, because, forlorn,
She glides above them, soft and dry, airbourne
As pansy petals
. and she’s never mean !

Her pure antennae whiskers rise above
Her magical magnificent demesne:
They listen to the other elves who glide
Invisibly around her. We know of
Just one most recent sighting and we lean
Towards heaven knowing that we’re near her pride.

Just a bit of mango loco monster energy drink is enough to wake up !


All I need now is some colder weather and maybe some snow out so it won’t look completely weird if I drink it everyday ^^

On the money thing:
I don’t know if it can buy you happiness but I’d be willing to be a test subject if anyone would be inclined to try out the hypothesis and transfer me a million or two :dracthyr_nod:


Inspired by the topic planned to go buy 1.5L sprite today for momentary happiness and decided to even go entire wild and add one frozen pizza to it and really make it rain :smiley:

Its really noice isnt it, purrfection as the internet say. Im propably also going to have one of those today aswell :ok_hand:

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Sends you the biblical downpour that is currently plaguing my part of England :grin: have fun with it!