I saw good memes, fun stuff and few bold pasteries
Keep strong my man, wishing you all the best
Won’t name anyone, but it went on for months in the old “Don’t delete this thread” topic.
Woohoo!! Dauntless Imperial Lynx mount from a Hallwfalls bag!
And I’m only 1248 items away from Seisbarg. I needed a break from nerubian farming
That horrible feeling when a friend is going into a situation with obvious red flags all over it and they can’t see it.
I can’t believe some people are THAT gullible or desperate.
As usual I was brutally honest and said what I think about this announced disaster, but I don’t have much hope. It’s so frustrating. Their life, their choices I guess…
Much as we all would like to, we can’t make life choices for people.
But my advice? if… IF. it all blows up in your friend’s face. never say “I told you so.”
Well, not until last month when I finish my time machine and become emperor of 2/3 of the world anyway.
Absolutely this. I did it once and lost a good friend. I can’t believe I was quite so stupid/
That explains so much…
Sadly it’s not the first time this person falls for horrible people that take advantage of them. It’s a lost cause at this point. I did my part, from now on it’s up to them. I guess some people never learn.
And some of us just take a really long time to
Yes, I’m still wondering where Wolfy is, for example.
I guess I missed all the drama, but I hope that won’t stop me being offered a slice of the lemon curd pie posted by Alythena. I am partial to any lemony dessert, lemon cheesecake is my favourite
Key Lime pie and Key Lime cheesecake…
I saw some bold pictures of pastries in the thread that were mentioned, half of everything else were deleted by overlords so not much to see. I did see funny memes and were amoosed of many, I wonder were frizzle disappeared he was also funny dude.
And lemon cheesecake is pretty much the best dessert there is, you got good taste
Yeah I like Key Lime Pie, I am odd, that I tend to go for the citrus fruits as favourites and I don’t often eat things like chocolate cake (because it’s not as good as a bar of chocolate!!!), but any fruity dessert I will eat.
I must look so strange licking my screen…