🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

I just didnt like the implication that I wouldnt had any to talk with on the earlier threads even tho having high post count, were imo strange remark and not even true. I were always posting with someone or to someone. I have more time due health condition with rheuma preventing me from working currently so I have more time on my hands to talk with alot people through the day. Im not one to shun from having conversations with people either, I think its fun to talk with them, I dont like if I would be made fun for being social with people on forum dedicated for it.

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Well no offense but he came out the gate fighting and as you probably know i wont sit quiet on that.

So decided to point out how much of a hypocrite they are based on their own past history.

Rule 5 or 6 if I remember correctly


To be fair, most mainland Europeans understand British humour- its the other side of the pond that doesn’t. Monty Python is a good example


I love Twillyelf


The 4th. Under the punylaw


Continuing the discussion from How To Get To The Shadowland :skull_and_crossbones::


Uhhhh part 3! Keep on going guys, we might become a longer saga than the whole worldsoul one!


Every time I see a complaint about DH I think oh that’s rule 2


Well in that case they personally (+tesla) dont understand british humour .



PS. I don’t know how to take good pics btw. The theme is clearly Quel’dorei Battle-mage, I don’t have one so I want to see if I come up with something ok-ish ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Mostly not sure if Heoirc Warfront belt and shoulders would fit better.


In fairness tesla has been trying to influence people to ignore me ever since i came back from my questionable vacation.

I get it they want to ignore me but why broadcast it everysingle time if not to try get others to do the same?

Especially if they werent even part of the conversation?

Good enough to me.

Could be better :smiling_face_with_tear:
Edit: also was thinking on Historian chest, those that have a cool belt on the chest, it gave be more Scout mage but the sleeves look so bad.

I rate it 10/10 for the low fantasy theme that is made to fit this one well. I like the hood, tabard and stave and nothing wrong with the pic and setting with the caravan on back either, or nothing wrong with other type tmog themes either if theyre made fit well :man_mage:


Oh no i missed the end of the thread :c


We didnt have huge countdown 1… 2… 3… or made new thread resolutions, it kinda just happent :joy:


Oof i come in at 57 posts :joy:

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xD i would tried to make some memorable 1st post :joy:

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So after a rough weekend and very rough start to the week where I very nearly did something very stupid I am back feeling a bit better.

Right who’s first for a good Soulin’…