🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

I was there 7 years ago so this time ill go to bled (im here) and soca valley to hike.

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Feral Just Got WAY Scarier in The War Within! (NEW BUFFS)

And russians, don’t forget the russians. Either have a very strong upper english accent or russian accent

Ackshually, I do.


Yes ofc!!!

Oh yes cake. Okay this isn’t technically a cake but… Key Lime Pie nomnomnom.


Looks amazing (on google at least :o)
I’m totally not very super jealous…


No!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don’t show key lime pie!!!

I miss Village Inn…


What’s village inn and where can I get one?

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No clue, it’s quite a common pub name in the UK

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My ignorance astounds me at times.

Ill have anything with lime, lemon and cheese. Thank you :dracthyr_a1:

These cakes probably only Frizzle knows from here as its this swe/fin thing were we make cakes out of bread :joy:

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Village Inn??

Oh how I miss thee!!!

The one we went to all the time was about half a mile from where I worked in Tallahassee, Home Depot North East Capitol Circle, and my Chic Fil A was right across the road from my work, and Zaxby’s was at the intersection just before I10.

I can almost smell it all!!!

Found it on Google lol! Thats my Village Inn!

Can add a lime wedge to it ^^
And that’s a nice lookin’ Smargarstarta.
Did you bring any on your day hike? Probably not the best hiking food xD

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Wow :open_mouth:

I dont think I can drink cheesecake martini but if ever had the chance I sure would try!

Didnt get much than few hour of sleep in few days so had to skip, waiting get rest and pain at back ease so could enjoy wandering around bit more. Hope can go someday next week, we look to get few sunny days with moderate 20C temp so that would be really nice go spend day out in this one national park that I was planning go :dracthyr_a1:

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Stop it here, we’re not paying a ton of money to sustain an useless royal familly !

And last time I’ve checked, companies left London for Paris, not the other way around :stuck_out_tongue:

The worst of both worlds !

Oh don’t you start getting high and mighty about economy with the state you lot are in :rofl:

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No dont put froggies legs or snails into paella pls, its suppose to be shellfish etc :joy:

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