šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Now, now Puny and Shihiroki - you are both better than that, shake hands and call it pleaseā€¦


I was gonna make you a pumpkin pie butā€¦



Imagine if things between the french and english couldā€™ve been solved that easily throughout history.


And here is why there are trust levels :joy:


Instead of jellied eels theyā€™d be eating jellied snails


That OP was cursed on multiple levelsā€¦


Iā€™m still laughing because of that. I really thought it was meant to be demon Garrosh or something similar. :joy:


I see players having 7mil healthpools in tww but 1.1mil ice lances looks big too :dracthyr_a1:

Unfortunate. Avowed and Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 have both been delayed and just so happen to be the two games I was most looking forward to playing later this year.

Oh well. At least Iā€™ll always have my backlog of games to dip into!

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Only game I were waiting were league mmo but its dead in the water now, Ill just never stop playing wow anyway so maybe its for best not having to try play two to add on this how much I play wow already :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Yā€™all need to learn that with Hiro you have to talk about femboys, world of warcraft, weather in Iceland. If you mention France or god forbidā€¦ PoLiTiCsā€¦ his forehead immediatelly starts sweating, his hands start shaking and he unleashes his inner demon.

Aw man.
The art thread got deleted.
Really canā€™t have nice things around here.

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Iā€™ve deserved it !

Oh thatā€™s all wrong, I can talk all days about why LinkedIn sucks, silly breaking bad YTP !

Lawyer !

Iā€™m actually trying to summon ghost of Fukushima !

Old people smh amirite

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What art thread? I think I missed that ā€¦

That was nightmare fuel.

Anywayā€¦ Itā€™s monday!

Just a few more days until EA! :grin:


It was a heart warming display of artistic growth and personal discovery.
Sadly it was not long for this world and by the break of dawn, that bright flame that shined the brightest was forever extinguished from us by those blind to its beauty.

Someone drew a sojak drachtyr and people got offended and reported it.
The circle of life :grin:


oh lol that thread xD

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Someone drew dragon boi on a tablet in a very high resolution. I think it was 8k if Iā€™m not mistaken. Unfortunately some people failed to develop any sense of humour and they reported his thread. Big sad.

Even if you donā€™t find something funny, you should not abuse report button. Sad little people :frowning:


Explain that to me as if Iā€™m old (which I am). :sweat_smile: