šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

That thread won the forum this year just for giving his dracthyr an appendix scar

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Right, I know which thread now. Yes, the appendix scar was really funny, mainly because it was completely unexpected and unlikely.
I guess someone said something stupid and ruined it for everyone else ā€¦

It was the most random thing Iā€™ve seen for a long time and I laughed so hard when I saw it

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Wojak, sojak, soyak etc.
The evolution of the classic rage faces.
Sorry. Probably didnā€™t make it much clearer xD


It was surprisingly wholesome and calm.
Probably should not have been deleted honestly.
I donā€™t think the mods tend to question or analyze the reports that much.
Oh well.
I hope OP fared better than his thread.

I think their downfall was not actually having anything but a picture in the post. I tried to encourage them to shove some context text in there.

Should have stuck the artwork in here.

I probably wasnā€™t the only one somewhat confused as to what the mild affront to having eyes was supposed to represent due to that. The title of the thread didnā€™t give much to go on either.

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Thatā€™s fair. You have me convinced.
I honestly donā€™t remember the actual post.
I only see his amazing artwork everytime I close my eyes.

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The thread itself was great fun, particularly the updates along the way.

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Your Monday madness.

No, it did.
I didnā€™t see that face in that drawing though, but meh. :sweat_smile:

Yeah it was entertaining. Albeit disturbing, in a car wreck kind of way.

I suppose its goal was to ask for transmog options for dracthyr (the draconic form specifically). Which is really, really fair.

I donā€™t think races with horrible transmog restrictions (like dracthyr or mechagnomes) should be a thing.

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I think he specifically used the ā€œchudjakā€ if my memory hasnā€™t blurred his artwork in my mind too much ^^

ā€¦I donā€™t like that I knew the name of it :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Sometimes you just remember things that makes you wonder if youā€™re a in a bit too deep when it comes to being online.

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Me neither. Stay away from me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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And good morning to you, lovely day to start with cup of coffee :dracthyr_tea:

Start? Itā€™s afternoon, what time do you get up?
Iā€™ve had a whole morning routine already and just came back from a nice walk with the dog whilst listening to a podcast. Now itā€™s time to get creative. :slight_smile:

But sureā€¦ More coffee would be nice. :sweat_smile:

Actual picture made right now of my favorite mug (monkey with moustache).

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Honestly, that reminds me of Legion at this point.

I remember trying it and seeing how everyone was running around with millions of HP and dps.

I was looking stuff yday night and saw them having 6-7mil health

Okay got everything from prepatch. Mount and heirloom ring in 2.5 hours. What an event XD

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Also ice lances hitting 1.1mil, I need to remove glacial if default instant spell is hitting same as 2 sec cast talent :joy: