🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

The evolution of my mage:
Started as blood elf in wod → troll → dwarf → troll → orc and I wanna go back to playing dorf but I still don’t know if TWW crafting orders are cross faction :frowning:

This toon went from Undead - Blood Elf - Draenei (for 1 day) - Human - Void elf.

Quite happy being a Void Elf now :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to actually do a crafting order when NPC crafting orders are added.

It’s a cool system in theory but like so many aspects of the game, completely dead on my server Argent Dawn.

I didn’t think of that if we do move to battletags. All those TL3s reset! Unless they carry over somehow.

There’s NPC crafting orders in TWW.
But I guess you mean for gold making?

My hunter went: Orc → human → gnome → human → gnome → kul tiran → human → gnome → human → worgen → pandaren → void elf → human → gnome → human → gnome → human → void elf.

Or something. I honestly lost count. I’ve spend way too much money on race changes over the years. :sob:

wat? I dont know anything about TWW. Blizzurd is changing how crafting orders work?
Because when this mage was a dorf on TwistingNether I couldn’t find a single person to craft gear for me, lol.

Oh yes. Crafting weeklies and leveling up will be easier now. :blush:

In order to be able to do the weekly quests there are NPCs to give you jobs now. There is an extra tab in Crafting Orders section.

So I won’t have to use my alts to send each other mock orders any more.

Wait so how is it gonna work. If I want max ilvl item I just talk to npc and boom it’s done?

Well they are limited to a certain number per day, I believe. But basically; yes.

What weekly quests? Also I heard you don’t even get to max lvl by doing campaign?

My god, is there a tl;dr or TWW overview topic on wowhead? xdd

My goodness :exploding_head:

Im with anne on this one, Im getting stuck in loop of flash backs from in game voices from panda dialogues now :joy:

If there isn’t, there’s bound to be one in the coming days. :blush:

I still have 8.5 million gold so I won’t touch professions. I’ll just make other crafters rich. If I can do it via npc that’s even better.

If you are a crafter you are tasked with fulfilling crafting orders, these have existed all through Dragonflight but they are a pain because so many people list scammy public orders with no mats and not enough gold to cover it. So many of us just used alts to send dummy orders to be able to get the necessary done.

In TWW we can just do dummy orders for an NPC instead.

I can make you read stuff in my voice now:

“White Tiger watch over you.”


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I only play male characters and specifically Night Elves, Void Elves, Blood Elves, Draenei and Humans. I swapped my main character to Alliance a few years back and recently changed my warlock to a Draenei to take advantage of the Eredar customisation.

Luckily it’s easy enough to level alts at this point so despite my compulsion to make a whole bunch of characters for role-play it isn’t something I spend money on these days.

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Ohhh okay… but if you want a max ilvl item you’ll still have to find someone with maxed prof to do it for you?

Ill counter it with an illusion! Hour of this and all Ill hear is “An illusion! What are you hiding? Somethings not quite right…”

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Or never did a single crafting order at all. :joy: :sob:

Tahra’s engineering is STILL not maxed. And probably never will be.
I don’t like this profession system, honestly. Hopefully TWW is a bit better.

I leveled some engineering on my new human hunter and when I did Legion crafting, I was reminded how much I liked doing profession quests.