🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

The sky needs some colour, or some background at least!

How was your film?

its not actually the sky its the white wall of the back of a tesco extra. hes standing on one of those pride flags that were all the rage a few years back. he is on smoke break (filthy habit)


damn I’d watch SNN. Can’t be worse than our regular news channels.

Also Tahra inteviewing people.

~okay sir, I have to interrupt you. I do not agree with your opinion therefore I’m ending this interview. Please shut up.

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Now he just looks trapped in a teenagers bedroom

Enjoyable, although the experience was a bit spoiled by the snoring of some old guy in the back who had fallen asleep in the early parts of the movie. And by the presence of some bug in front of the projection lense, which in some parts made it creepier, but overal was just annoying. :sweat_smile:


I was thinking of going see romulus too. Saw some murmur of alien not being the same without ridley scott but I think the theme of the sci-fi is interesting enough so it cant be bad :dracthyr_a1:

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PS: I did a name change so you’ll either see Tah changing or I’ll use her new name to post as; not sure yet.


Will it be a variation of Tah, or are we going to be taken back by a whole new concept? XD

Swap around keep us on our toes!!!


No worries will probably recognize if its gnome pointing us with shotty aswell :smiley:

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I’m changing my name to Tah

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I was actually contemplating a name in honor of you: Puntygnome. :wink:
But I just don’t like joke names much, so nah. :sweat_smile:

And yeah… This character is now called Tah. I just think it fits for a pandaren.

Of course. :blush:


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From gnome to panda right before my eyes, my god it is wonder what the magics of azeroth can do :open_mouth:


Yeah that is quite something to behold.


Y hullo dar!


/first post


Did not see that coming. :panda_face: :question: :exploding_head:


“Tell me of your travels.”


“Slow down” No seriously, this is too much for my brain. XD

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Haha. Well, I can’t help the forum lets a ‘name’ inherit all of its forum history instead of the ‘character’ behind the name. Ah well…

May the mists protect you. :upside_down_face: