🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Tahmakäpälä would mean stickypaws, description used fondly of some animal making thieving of our lunch example :slight_smile:

Some otters go through your food supply and steal some cookies from your belongings over night while sleeping etc.

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Tahcobell :burrito:


But she’s a gnome. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Oh god… lol.
No… I don’t want a joke name.

How do otters get in your house?

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Through the door? They knock. You let them in. They take your cookies.
Normal stuff in Finland.


Otters can become really friendly, also they are cute so people gladly feed them. Just read this “news” of one mr feed one regularly that comes to his yard to beg for food and he gives it fish :sweat_smile:

Saukko is the finnish name of it, I got tauren rdruid named Sauko

So you keep otters as pets then they steal your cookies!! Otters are smart it seems :thinking:



Work smart not hard as they say

Cuteness overload, I cant see moar or I also go feed wild otters with fish :sweat_smile:

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Finally collected all the achievements and mogs…


Delves start in a week :partying_face:

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Never gonna step feet inside torghast :smiley:

Mage tower type remakes I wouldnt mind, that were fun to do when felt like it, nothing from game powers tied to it just cool mogs.

You will always be a sassy gnome to me no matter what you post on. I totally understand wanting to preserver your previous trust level.

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In 3 days pog

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Ive been testing those for myself on the beta and they do look like a lot more fun that torghast, I just hope Blizzard don’t do their usual and change it to “do this or else” or “meh… we can’t be bothered keeping that interesting, don’t you guys MDI?”

Limited to level 1-3 though.

I have no idea what’s level 1-3. How many levels do delves even have

I wasn’t sure if they were available during early access, thought it was just questing.

I didn’t test them on beta, tbh I gave up testing after a few days altogether.

The maximum is tier 11

They will also have their own vault section. It’s replacing what was PVP. Early on it might be worth running delves for the great vault but we’ll soon out gear it.

There are cosmetics to work towards for those who like those kinds of things (me!) and it’s meant to give casual and solo players something to progress through.

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I did the Fungal cave one. GOOD GOD those floating spores are annoying!!! I kept getting bounced into huge packs after they chased me down and exploded sending me flying