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Can’t the explanation be found in the “bell curve IQ graph” thingy?

The one that shows that women are smarter on average than men, but that men to to be more numerous on each extremes: they’re more likely to be extremely stupid, or extremely smart - like me.

This could certainly explain the prevalence of men in disciplines such as chess.

Because I’m pointing out the lefts hypocrisy? Also, I’m not claiming to be virtuous, so what’s your point?

As a man.
I dont care, its exclusive to women and minorities.
Also don’t really care that much of tournaments

That’s not at all what the bell curve shows. The avarage IQ of women and men is the same.

Actually I’m watching it as I’m expecting a fiesta

Just say you identify as a woman :smiling_imp:

Can’t women play in the “mens” leagues if they wanted to?

What is pan?

No idea, but I don’t think they are allowed due to physical differences between men and women.

I read somewhere that they could enter if they were skilled enough and that there are no mens leagues but a general league and a womens league. I don’t know much about sports.

Pansexuality is sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people of all genders, or regardless of their sex or gender identity. Pansexual people might refer to themselves as gender-blind, asserting that gender and sex are not determining factors in their romantic or sexual attraction to others.


In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs

So just bisexuall as another word.

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Bisexuality only covers two genders.

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Not really, Bisexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction to both males and females
Pansexuality is a bit boarder, it is a romantic or sexual attraction to all genders or anyone regardless of their sex or gender identity
There is a difference


Well, there is only two genders.


Even if you go by the “biological” thingy, that’s not entirely correct.
Intersex people do exist.
They may have the genitals of both sexes, or neither. They may also have the genitals of one gender AND the chromosomes of the other.

That doesn’t make them a new gender tho. Just like people born with 6 fingers aren’t a new type of human being.


Intersex is not a different sex, it’s a irregularity. An intersex person can decide for themselves which they identify with more and also what genital is working as intended.

Saying “Intersex people exist.” Is just disingenuous and bad faith.

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Which gender does a person with XX chromosomes and male genitals belong to?

Which gender does a person with both male genitals and a uterus belong to?

They don’t exist, then?