đŸ“± Warcraft Mobile "Warcraft Arclight Rumble" starting now

EDIT: The wait is finally over. In 5 minutes we will finally find out the future of the Warcraft universe

Here are the trailers for anyone who missed the stream:

Towelliee apparently was able to play the game already and he has an entire gameplay video where he played the game:

NOTE: The game has loot boxes so if your country bans games with loot boxes like Lost Ark then the game may not be available in your country.

The Warcraft Mobile announcement is coming on Tuesday at 7pm.

What are you guys hoping for? Will you consider playing it if it’s any good or are you certain you don’t want to touch any mobile games whatsoever?

The whole thing reminded me of the FFXIV GO mobile app where you can gather mats on the app. One of the things that have always been terrible about WoW is coming home from work and then having to do dailies or farm mats for flasks. I think it would be great if they made a mobile game where you could essentially do your dailies on the mobile app. Obviously you would not do them the same way as on WoW but perhaps they can come up with another “miniature” way to get them done on the app. Additionally it would also be good if you could get, at least a limited amount of mats on the app so by playing the app while you commute to work you’d be able to craft flasks and buff food for the raid in the evening instead of having to do that when you get home.

A lot of people talk about pet battles on the app but I honestly would not care or enjoy pet battles on the phone. I feel like the whole Pokemon trend has died down and I feel zero motivation when it comes to collecting or battling pets.

Here was the video of the FFXIV GO app if anyone wants some inspiration.


They said mission table won’t be exist in dragonflight so I think mobile game can be related to it. We can earn some items from mission table now but with the mobile game we will get such items from it. If you don’t want to play mobile game it won’t affect the gameplay in a major way, just like mission table now but will save you time for getting some items.

How gameplay will be I’m not sure but I think it will be more detailed than current mission tables. Maybe something like zereth mortis puzzles ? Or like a pocopop upgrades, you get more complicated puzzles on higher levels but more rewarding.


Didn’t it leak?
It’s pokemon go n some tower defense thing?

I for the record absolutely hate mobile games made for mobile.

Ports and emulators of actual games I can live with but they’re usually a pain to set up.


It’s Warcraft not World of Warcraft. Let’s keep mobiles out of the game. If you want to play WoW
 log into WoW!!!


Rumors about wow mobile were circulating for some time. Most people including myself believed that it would be mission table or pet battles app, but it seems that it will be game for itself detached from pc client.

I just despise mobile gaming for what it did with the gaming industry in general.

All the time gating, Microtransactions etc etc where largely pushed by it


As always, what time is this in Europe and not Pm/Am ?!

I would hate having to do dailies for WoW on a mobile app. I mean we essentially already have this in the form of the mission table app, and I won’t touch it, which is making me poor and forcing be to buy tokens as it inflates the gold.

As for what the app might be, I really don’t know. I can almost guarantee it won’t be an RTS, and I fear it’s going to be the sort of game which just seems to keep you busy instead of actually trying to entertain with complex mechanics.

 I suppose we’ll see.

IT all depends if IT will be linked to your Maine account. If you will stil lbw able to get passibley gold from IT get pets and mounts then IT will be hit. If IT wont be connected IT will faul just like classic and tbc.

I personaly really enjoyed mission tables and its anothe thing on lists of fails in nexr expansion that IT will be gone

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Ok boomer.

Maybe you do but mobile market is already much higher then pc and consoles combined. Mobile gaming is future


 Doesn’t change the fact about what it did to the industry.

But yeah, i know, reading and comprehending words is hard for you wannabe troll.


I’m not interested in mobile games. So long it is something optional, I’m fine with it. If people are happy with it, they can have it.


I’m not into mobile games, I get bad eyes if I stare a small screen for too long. As long as it doesn’t become a new mandatory grind that affects my PC characters in some way. It’s fine

Of course they were.

They discovered that drip-feeding content, even not behind microtransactions, works in keeping players addicted.

Addiction is the key word here. Mobile phone games are absolutely designed to be addictive, which is often not enjoyment and certainly not satisfaction.

It’s better business to have your playerbase be junkies. How is the reward system structured? Insane amounts of shinies that last hours or even less (minutes at times), because it’s about keeping those kicks rapid.


I hope it’s crap and dream it dies quickly


Someone gets it! :muscle:

Yes, and look at the outrage from all the red-eyed loot addicts when Blizzard lowered the amount of drops in raids/dungeons.

How can they have any sense of ‘scarcity equals value’.

Actually I won’t mind having pet battles on mobile. Also after watching the FF14 mobile gathering I would like such thing in WoW. Reminds me of Pokemon GO.

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I don’t have a smart phone, so if its an actually good game and not some clash of clans kind of game i hope they also allow it to be played on the pc like they did with hearthstone

I have tried a few mobile games over the years and every single one of them has ultimately sucked. I don’t know what people find in mobile games but then again most people probably don’t know what we find in WoW also. So whatever, to each their own I suppose.

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