šŸ“± Warcraft Mobile "Warcraft Arclight Rumble" starting now

well Diablo Immortal is now coming to PC, so anythingā€™s possible

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I dont play mobile games. Most of them is just pay to win and i cant handle the small screens with my bad eye sights

ā€˜Mobile gamingā€™ can also include a tablet.

i donā€™t own a tablet either, so it kinda needs to be on the pc for me

Tablets also to small

The stream is starting soon if anyone wants to watch.

My lack of enthusiasm is troubling tbh, fro what Iā€™ve seen leaked (if true ofc) Iā€™ll gladly pass.

Itā€™s funny you mentioned Clash of Clans considering the graphics looks a lot like CoC.

the trailer kind of makes it look like some auto battler to me

Are you watching the stream? Because it looks awfully lot like Clash of Clans. You seem to spawn mobs and they walk towards the enemy base to destroy the main building. Thatā€™s how Clash of Clans works, or not?

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nah i dont have the patience for streams, i just saw the trailer you linked in the post. ill check more into it when more compact videos about what it is will be out and i can skip uninteresting stuff

Iā€™m losing IQ points watching this.


be sure to squirm like that?

Same here. The whole thing is literally just a Clash of Clans copy. The UI literally looks exactly the same. This is not what I expect from a large corporation like Blizzard. I canā€™t imagine kids being into this either. CoC is PvP but this game looks like itā€™s PvEā€¦ why would someone battle NPCs in this type of game? So you sit there and spam mobs who will fight on their own against NPCs that fight on their ownā€¦ and you just watch?


I canā€™t understand who the target audience of this is. Nobody Iā€™m talking to are even remotely interested in it.

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Me too - Its good if you want your 4, 5, 6, 19 year olds addicted to a mobile phone, or they are already :))

Chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos chaos.

Well, one thing I know for certain is that I wonā€™t be playing that. Donā€™t mind it existing though, but it just doesnā€™t even remotely resemble Warcraft. It literally looks like a cheap knock-off.

I hope Chris Metzen watched this.


I hope not. That guy is probably depressed enough that his baby that he made literally during university has become a laughing stock. Imagine if you created something and it was taken away from you cause you were stupid enough to go public with your company.


He almost certainly already knew about it.

But yeah, we went from this:

to that.