đŸ“± Warcraft Mobile "Warcraft Arclight Rumble" starting now

If it suppose to be part of the the Warcraft universe then it should be Warcraft 4 and/or WoW 2

No doubt this game will be a heavily monetised P2W microtransaction game aimed for the Chinese/Korean market.

I don’t know about that.

I think Blizzard are generally pretty good about how they implement microtransactions in their games.

I mean, we have them in WoW with the Online Store and the WoW Token. But it’s not like you have to buy any of it to enjoy WoW or succeed in the game.

Hearthstone is another example. You can spend an ungodly amount of money on the Online Store, but you can also enjoy a plethora of content for free and make very competitive decks without spending any money at all.

Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm both offer loot boxes containing a silly amount of different cosmetics, but if you don’t want to spend money then you can buy them with currency earned by playing the games. And everything in the loot boxes is entirely cosmetic, so you can also just enjoy the games without bothering with loot boxes at all.

Even the upcoming Diablo Immortal seems to basically offer the entirety of its content and gameplay for free. There’s a Battle Pass and some currency you can buy, but if you’re just playing the game for its PvE component, then none of it is required to enjoy the game or succeed in it.

Compared to various other games where the microtransactions quickly become mandatory, because they’re designed so that you can’t progress without spending money, then I quite prefer Blizzard’s approach where you’re never required to spend any money at all and where you can actually enjoy their games as free-to-play. The microtransactions exist more as “extra” for the whales who want to go above and beyond and have all the cosmetics, or all the deckbuilding, or all the mounts, or whatever.
But for the most part it’s quite easy to just not spend money on Blizzard’s games.

This new Warcraft games seems similar. And it reminds me a bit of the Kingdom Rush games.
You have some heroes by default that you can level up and customize.
And then there are a lot of other heroes that you can earn as you play. Or you can buy. But you don’t really have to, and I think that’s the saving grace for Blizzard and their approach to microtransactions. They don’t make it a requirement. They’ll make it lucrative and desirable and mouth-wateringly tempting, but they won’t demand that you spend money in order to enjoy the games.

And personally I quite like that business design. In a world where microtransactions in games seems inevitably, I’m not sure what other design is more preferable.


Your Post always Look like you do rly care what you Send out


they adding Warcraft games and its more looking like Warcraft Moba, warcraft tower defence, warcraft cards
what next? Warcraft shooter?!

Battle for mount hyjal, now with guns!

How does it not benefit the people who work at Blizz? You think a company with generous bonuses program that’s tied to financial performance won’t benefit from making money? Blizzard’s employees won’t benefit from relieving investor pressure? Gamers won’t benefit from having investor pressure relieved from Blizzard?

We’ve been peddling gambling to children in the form of Yu-Gi-Oh! and MTG cards for literal generations. Should we ban those as well? Don’t concern troll if you won’t take it to the end. I’ve seen MTG players talk about how pay2win and lootboxes are bad with zero self-awareness that they are the problem to begin with.

At best, the evidence we have is that WoW and mobile games feed the exact same type of gambling addiction - RNG that holds high value items with the pursuit being the high you get from getting said items. The problem is pursuing that high again and again and again. It doesn’t matter if the gambling is paid or not, the effect on the brain is exactly the same.

In fact, Blizzard’s output since WoW has always been deliberately intended to addict. Diablo 3 is made too easy on purpose - it plays like a slot machine, with the constant sparkles, chaotic noises, loot, the promise of legendaries. Just turn off your brain and get that dopamine hit. Overwatch as well - with the bright graphics, the smooth animation, sparkles, the sound design, everything about that game is made to addict. The lootboxes are the least of its problems.

People have been talking about the addictive problems with gaming, they have tried to include gaming addiction as a disorder that needs treatment, which would be nice as those struggling with gaming addiction would be able to get the help they need. Right now they can’t.

The main spenders in mobile games aren’t kids. It is people aged 50 and up. Those who would otherwise go to casinos and cruises and blow all their money playing slot machines. Kids aren’t playing Clash of Clans. People in their 40s are. This is why the game is slow - because a pensioner can’t keep up with a fast game. If you take a look at mobile gaming usage and spending statistics, you quickly see pensioners are where the money is. They are the most likely to spend money on mechanics, and the least likely to think they are playing too much.

Does the Warcraft audience need a mobile game? Based on the response, no.

Does the Warcraft Mobile Game Audience Need It? I don’t think. This game looks as faded as possible against the background of many Chinese games, which are full on the market.

This game should replace the mission table

I’ve had Plant vs. Zombies and Hearthstone on my phone.

Man Hearthstone, it would be fun to try various decks. Nah man that is 100+ € if you want the full experience, every 4th month. Also added RNG and powercreep.

Will we ever see a decent mobile game that isn’t whale hunting pay2win.

What country do you live in that you can become a pensioner at 40 or 50 years old?


I’m 32 and I already feel like i’m ready to retire


Let’s raise a glass to working until 75 with the likelihood of never getting a state pension :wine_glass:



I hoped that it would replace the mission table as well but it does not look like this will happen Cry


At least there are no plans for the mission table in DF.

 for example i playing azur lane cause i can setup a game push auto combat button and switch focus beck to boring work (work on the production
My point with Warcraft is that they making different genres of game which looking exactly same
they would add their games as mini games in WoW and would be same.

Mobile pet battle shared with WoW’s in game progression would be a thing. There are games with full versions supporting phones and PC and they not bad.

What you say is true. Gaming has gotten closer and closer to gambling in the past few years, and the overlap isn’t new. Hearthstone was the first big offender in this regard from Blizzard.

But I find this new mobile game even more offensive, because it is strongly marketed towards younger gamers, who should be protected from gambling. Sure a lot of adults will also play it, but Blizz is deliberately aiming for kids.

It is made for old people, mate. They are the people playing those games. Younger people play Fortnite, CoD mobile, Punishing Gray Raven on their phones. Diablo Immortal is made for younger people, that I’ll grant you.

EDIT: To elaborate - children do not have their own money. Most kids have limited money they can spend, so they aren’t the main spenders in mobile games. Children are the main targets for advertisers, as they are more likely to click on ads, which costs nothing, but aren’t the main targets for spending money. The main money from mobile gaming comes from adults with older people spending more. Whenever we hear news of a child blowing $12k on a mobile game, it is usually due to a mistake on the parents’ part, who refund all the payments anyway.

I played Azur Lane for so long not knowing my progression was bound to my phone by default. So when I switched phones it was all gone, because I didn’t bind my account to a Yostar account >_> I had Zuikaku and Dido and so many cool ships. So I moved to Punishing Gray Raven and Alchemy Stars. Girls Frontline is still my favorite gacha, but after one of the updates they made it run like trash on Android 10 for some reason.

Why buy a Switch if you can’t play all PC games on it?

You are holding the Deck to a strange standard. It plays thousands of games perfectly, just as any other handheld does, and you get copies of your games for the new platform for free, and then it does more but imperfectly.

Why is it not good enough that it plays thousands of games perfectly? It’s like everybody is disappointed that it only does what everybody else does plus a little extra? It’s a very emotional and irrational response, and Valve’s only way out would basically be to lock it down