đŸ“± Warcraft Mobile "Warcraft Arclight Rumble" starting now

yeah but still the steamdeck doesnt seem worth it to me either , just like the laptops are. If you want a proper one then its too pricy

it gets more funny - aparently 50 people worked on this at blizzard

while it looks like game doen by small 4-5 people indie studio

like what happened there blizz ?

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maybe 45 of them were all for the advertisement and management positions?


This is joke not a game.
For example single person Luca Galante, have make better game that Blizzard team.
Did you hear about Vampire Survivors? Game is roguelike but made by one person, and have more interesting mechanics, it is not aggresive cash grab and it was not annouced by big company!
You will have more fun with this game than Blizzard crap.

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Sometimes it happens when you eat kebab with too much fat and/or spices

Don’t even get me started on Indian/Thai food


With this and Diablo Immortal, Blizzard is tapping into a market that has been there for YEARS. Most people don’t know this, but this type of game - including the Warcraft universe, has existed on various app stores for years. This exact art direction, the same simplistic gameplay, and Blizzard had to file lawsuits against them.

Same with Immortal - Diablo 3 on mobile has existed for YEARS under the name Raziel (a knock off game that didn’t even get an original name kekw). But the game itself played pretty good, it’s big failure was garbage story and focusing on 2-minute gameplay segments.

Ultimately this is a good thing - whether we play those games or not. Because diving into mobile means the PC games don’t have to try to keep up with mobile profit margins. Blizzard isn’t just in the business of making profit. They are in the business of growth and are competing with Ubisoft, EA, all the Chinese and Korean mobile games, Genshin Impact, the gacha market. Blizzard of old was competing with EA on PC. That was it. They could easily crush.

But now they are competing against mobile and in a shareholder capitalist economy, failing to keep up with what the free market demands means death. And the free market clearly demands mobile.


I understand they had to tap the market especially with the plenty of cheap rip offs bassed on their characters used in them. But the game could have looked more exiting than just letting some npcs run down a lane without any control over them. Just because its a mobile game doesnt mean it cant look fun. Everyone kind of expects more of a big game company, for them to actually make a game

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I don’t have a phone.
I’ll emulate it on PC with cheat engine on to see if they’ve secured it somehow.


That’s why we’re getting Diablo Immortal, though. Blizzard is trying to attract various audiences - they will get those who want an action game, and then they’ll also get some of those who enjoy Clash of Clans. Which is a whole lot of people. In my opinion, it’s useless for them to try and capture audiences they already have.

Used to be, Blizz made strategy games. Then they made Diablo to diversify their audience. Then they made WoW to attract a whole new audience. Then they stagnated for a while and made Overwatch, because they hadn’t tapped into the FPS competitive audience. This is just a new audience for them to reach, it’s perfectly fine.


Buff shadow please.


I‘ll definetly give it a try, seems like a fun game to play when you‘re bored and waiting in queues

I think if anyone likes this mobile game have really dropped their standards i would of liked a warcraft 3 rts style mobile game then this
 if you think Asian Market will like this or flock to it your mistaken when you got Genshin Impact to compete with it.

Does it run on nokia 3310?


this so much

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This jokingly popped into my head a few hours back. :rofl:

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You could lift some weights while queque waiting

The only people who benefit from this mobile children gambling game are:

  • Bobby
  • ActiviBlizz shareholders

This doesn’t benefit us gamers, the people who work at Blizzard, or the economy as a whole. This is a gambling product we’re talking about. And not just any gambling product, but one that’s aimed at children.

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My thoughts as well.

I know I’m not alone in wanting games for mobile and not mobile gamesℱ.
All the games I play on my phone are straight up ports and emulated actual games. GTA, Baldurs Gate, Kotor etc.
They all have problems though since they’re often hastily made ports of pc games or rely on emulators to work which vary in stability and effort needed to work.
And I don’t they should try make fast paced fps and racing games that really need some form of external controller. The idea is just to need your phone which mostly always have at hands.
Mobile phones would be perfect for slower paced/turn based rpg or strategy game. Imagine if we had games like fallout 1/2, outpost, sim city or endless space that are all already controlled by one button actions but actually made specifically for mobile phone with a proper ui for phones.
Not only having poorly disguised trash that are entirely designed to keep you hooked and take as much of your money for as little effort and cost as possible.
Which is frankly insulting that they think so little of their consumers and can just dress up a store page with flashy animations and constant validation and call it a game
 And equally insulting that it works.

I booked one two months ago. Estimated delivery october.

Neat part about the deck is that it has a non steam os and you can play non steam games on it with minimum to some effort. People even got wow to play on it without much effort and with the newly added controller fixes for wow I just have to try it.
Also the steam list is just the current games they know for sure to work or has been patched to work which keeps increasing as they go through the library one game at a time and dev patch out issues.
Frankly I wasn’t sold about the deck at first but as soon as people got their hands on them and started tinkering with them I became impressed.

Wasnt this a warcraft 3 custom map lol