🔥 War Within - Dead even before it came out

War Within is repeating Shadowlands mistakes including no communication about issues.

Basically new hero talent system has exactly same flaws as Shadowlands covenant system.

Power tied to aesthetics. Which will force people to “choose” what blizzard developers will decide is the best numerically and then have the aesthetics of that.

Effectively that means no choice at all.

There is no communication about this very obvious issue with the system. Same with Shadowlands. And we all know how Shadowlands turned out to be…

As always, they come up with system and then they’re not willing to change anything, so we have to wait for another expansion and hope that their first decision isn’t horrible (which kinda feels bad knowing, because they don’t learn at all).


wow. here we have a clairvoyant!


So assuming they forgo the esthetic of each choice. That is not the issue IMO.

Gameplay >>>> esthetics. Simple as that.

(A) From the Oracle discussion they clearly did not learn the lesson: NOBODY wants the support thing. But apparently they did not get the memo. Its troubling.

(B) They double down on some abilities that just are not cool. For example: The Fury/Arms hero talents double down on Thunderclap.

Turns out it does not fit Fury to use Thunderclap at all. They dont even have access to rend in any way. So WHY is the question…

And then, you could ask: So why not XXX skill shared by both Fury and Arms… well… there isent. You have to change the fantasy of one to make it work. So, essencialy, you would need to put “exceptions”. Like: If your arms its Thunderclap. If you are fury then its Bloodthirst. OK.

But then why not just add hero talents for each spec at that point… why shared?

(C) Specs with multiple rolls have an issue. How will the “prot-arms” tree look like? Cause I want MORE DD with arms, and MORE deff with prot. How does that work out?

Again, why not just do a tree that is per spec instead of shared.

All in all, its a cool idea but they just need to make it per-spec. And independant from aesthetics.

But then… behold: Its just another row in the talent tree. So just do that. Simple.


Ah, it’s the “I want everything to be aesthetics” crowd again.

You know what I like? I like combat that’s readable - where everything I see has a unique and specific meaning.

You are not forced to spec a particular hero talent tree any more than you are forced to spec a particular spec - and while that might be the case, you don’t complain about the latter part, do you?

You know what I do want, though? A 3rd option: Remain “pure”.


No, they actually revealed what Hero talents are. You don’t have to be clairvoyant.


its not as bad as SL though, we get ALL talents just by leveling to max level
theres no AP grind

also theres no downside to respecing m whereas in SL you lost all your AP and had to do quests etc

no different from 1 spec being more OP than a 2nd spec currently… like how UNHOLY dk is WAY better than Frost DK


but from that you are just assuming the entire expansion…

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Yeah it’s the post 9.1.5 Covenant system more than it is the original.

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Yes, it’s not as bad.

I am assuming people play game for gameplay, and hero talents affect gameplay.

theres also ONLY 2 hero talents per spec

so if one is stronger than the other, it only takes 1 needing buff, rather than ALL 3

you only have 2 choices with each spec

“Stronger” is quite missing the point.
There is just “stronger” for the content.
But Blizzard generally doesn’t buff things based on content.
AND some stuff are super underpowered in some content and super overpowered in some other form of content - best examples being - some content cares about ST, some cares about AOE… that’s not just number thing as you seem to mistakenly think.

its not game changing though, there of course will be players that are " META OR GTFO "
but these hero talents are rotational changes at best
ie Barbed shot does shadow dmg instead of bleed … etc

it really isnt as bad as you are making out, its NOT on SL scales of bad

they’ve already said they are going to completely rework the oracle because of feedback, so umm…no

Lets see on the one hand we have a time locked system that was tied to the current expansion and basically gave you one super insane ability and a utility ability, leading certain classes to only pick that for this expansion as alot of these features would dissapear at the end of the expansion, on the other hand, more talents with a slight focus on certain roleplay aspects, that will be here forever. Nice comparison explaining why you don’t remember why they were bad.

Again one was timegated and heavily punished you for switching and the other is freely sitchable and wont punish you for it.

You can think this way and remove all fun from the game or you can choose to likethe people that gave you the game you play and hope for the best but not tolerate the worst


i’d be okay with it if they cancel the hero talents entirely. As long we get a proper new class in return. Dark ranger or tinkerer for example

I’m still hoping that’s a mistake, that “Mountain thane” is the Arms/Prot one instead of Arms/Fury, because forcing fury into a talent that until now they wouldn’t be caught dead with pretty much makes that whole talent tree a dead duck for them.

I’ll wait and see what they come up with (Also with the reveal this week of more hero talent trees), but what i’ve seen so far is underwhelming, class fantasy that’s highly race-specific, and not very impactful as far as gameplay goes.

Oh yes, the top 1% argument.
“Sure some players care about power, but majority …”

Well if you look at statistics with covenants in Shadowlands, then VAST majority of players “chose” based on power (picked the one Blizzard decided is the strongest for the content they play).

Sure it’s only some button that does shoot like Black Arrow, which is a DoT - that obviously doesn’t change your rotation or anything… there is no way it can be comparable to Shadowlands, in which Hunters got something that completely redesigned their gameplay by getting Flayed Shot, which is a DoT.

Not at all comparable, because the DoT has different name.

Yep these hero talents remind me alot of what they once removed out of the game. Remember in vanilla when some races where some priest spells were changed to fit the theme of the race?

This basicly reminds me of that

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Which presuposes they don’t realize and they don’t address the idea of the system being bad, if all they addressed is that they will rework on hero spec choice. Proves my point.

But they’re never willing to cancel system, even if it’s clear, it’s bad and even if they got feedback.
Covenants were also clearly bad, and they also were not willing to cancel it.

what are you scared of?
what are you so bothered by that requires so much effort to moan like you are?

you are not hindered in anyway. and have 2 choices per spec for each class.

its not as bad as you are making out…
would you rather it be another boring extra talent row for each spec ? which will have another META choice of nodes like always ?

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If you ready what I write, you find out, that I’ve already answered you.

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