šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

You just make a char, can be a draenei with the same customisation as Ananda then go into the plunderstorm as level one and get plunder to level up as go along along. You always start at level one each game so everyone is at equal footing when you drop in but you need to be a combination of quick and lucky to grab plunder and survive. So far Iā€™ve got to 10th place before getting killed through a combo of running, hiding and pure luck :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I just never liked these types of games.
Its okayā€™ish until Iā€™m pretty much forced to go where all the players are and Iā€™m just not into PvP anymore. So I just spam spells and hope to die quick.

Could have been more fun if they made it like islands for us PvEā€™rs. Join up with a group, have crazy spells like Torghast, do certain objectives quests and tackle mobs, elites, bossesā€¦

Oh well, farm this crap for the collectibles and loathe most of that time it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Plunderstorm :frowning_face:


Venthyr Assault being up.
I found tree players in General Chat to summon the rares; if the Venthyr Assault wouldnā€™t have been up I could have been able to kill Exos the last rare I need for the Maw achievement.




The PvP situation. Since at least 10.0.7 thereā€™s always something.

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yes i cant understand that. a lvl 1 tesla would be happy to try this new environment.

Itā€™s been a great experience seeing the community having fun, posting about your wins, creating lists of the best builds, and taking to the forums with thoughtful feedback.

I know, corpo speakā€¦ but holy hell that sounds tone deaf.


No there are genuinely alot of people enjoying it, it is niche so I suspect they knew a fair amount of people werenā€™t gonna vibe with it so as long as the complaints doesnā€™t go over the expected amount theyā€™ll consider it a win, as they should with this hyperspecific game style

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There are more who actually dislike it and you can disagree as much as you wantā€¦ it wonā€™t change reality.

Both sides need to be heard and responded to.

got kicked from the group on normal fyrakk for apparently placing the puddle from the debuff the"wrong" place is something half a guild run of tryhards
find someone making a single mistake a big issue

when 3 of theirs died on tindral roots(run away with the debuff and noone will kill your roots)

and also didnt know playing with the speakers turned off i miss such nice music tracks
like the choir/violin? in sunwell and the drums in nokhud offensive lol

Instead of get anything done on healer mmr issue regards shuffle in retail going over year now after it was said twice to be looked in we get mystery patch that was only a mode outside of the retail and said it is BR pvp, made me frown alot.

Since thereā€™s no class or racial abilities importing your main character would do exactly nothing. You can still make your Plunderstorm character look exactly like Tesla. Of course itā€™ll still be your battletag showing instead of the character name, but thatā€™s tied to the game mode and would still have been the case with your copy-pasted appearance.

Plunderstormā€¦ :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated:


im doin just short races cuz are difficult to be spotted and i can hide better underwater


Youā€™d think so, but all the people playing them seems to jump all the time. I swear thatā€™s the most visible thing the first 5 minutes of every match, noems and vulpera bouncing around everywhere with that flame tornado.


Iā€™m confused as I wasnā€™t given an option to make a character when I tried the game. I arrived in the middle of a group of players as a character supposedly ready to play, given 2 spells and then it started. I guess I must have missed something.


Thereā€™s a ā€œCustomize Characterā€ button on the main screen next to ā€œJoin Gameā€. Has all (except dracthyr I think) races and options available.


It should remember what you chose to look like last time.

is the game lagging for other people? whether looting dungeon/or raid boss/buying from AH or something else it has a slight delay

one of my alts was stuck in a 90% loading screen and its didnt move for a few minutes
and then gives a error when i do log in ā€œcannot connect to a voice chat server right nowā€ lol

and it keeps on lagging uh is a possible fix coming? because i have some issues with
logging in and logging out

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