😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

It was horrible when I did it. They should make the TW raids like an LFR queue so at least you have a full group easily all the time.

You start with a huge group then by the time you hit the Council fight you’re lucky to have half of them left. We were on our last try before people had to go and finally killed it, I haven’t set foot in a TW raid since :rofl:

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There are groups that use a lockout to just do the last boss, but they can be tricky to get into as they fill up very fast. Good if you can get in though, as a TW raid quest cache has a hero item in it and a relatively decent chance at a rare mount from that expansion. (think it’s something like 10% chance instead of a 1% drop) I actually got Invincible from Ulduar timewalking! :sweat_smile:

My post:

Been leveling a new character in Wrath classic recently and was enjoying it. Was. Because now I’ve hit Northrend and I remembered why I only leveled one character there. :disappointed:

Even with the 50% exp buff it just drags on forever compared to everything else, with quests barely moving your exp bar. Wouldn’t be so bad if the quests were fun, but it’s all the worst parts of classic leveling sprinkled with crappy vehicle quests everywhere. Outland questing seems to get a lot of flak, but it’s amazing compared to this. (Plus I genuinely think Zangarmarsh and Nagrand are great zones)

I think I need to do some side activities like professions to keep myself sane during this section. /Rant off

Sadly there were none of those when I finally got my glaives but sounds ideal!

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Did comp stomp, reappeared in Valdrakken for the guards to attack me. I didn’t realise that was still a thing :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Frown? No, more grumpy and confused. Where do I find information about the Hearthstone anniversary stuff? There’s nothing in the forum, nothing ingame (where I would expect it to be) … don’t know where else to look. There was a time when events were announced and information given.

When you get in game, go to your mailbox. That will give you a quest to complete. There aren’t enough tables and the tables in my shard often weren’t even up but you can buy wildcards from the vendor on the side of the bridge (near where quest sends you) to use by the table to complete quest.

After that we are waiting for boss spawns. All the info we have is that they are on the hour and so far I only know of three locations:-

/way #2112 62.24, 66.97

/way #84 33.99, 20.52

Orgrimmar (Durotar)
/way #1 53.10, 16.17

At this moment I’m at the Org one as nothing appeared in ValD, this will be my first boss.


Thank you! I didn’t think of my mailbox … shall have a look at lunchtime :slight_smile:

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Went to SW for the boss event but the whole thing is so lagged that I am not sure the boss has spawned, is dead or about to show up…

Also - Only 3 tables in Valdrakken and only 2 players pr table at a time??!

I couldn’t even see the bosses just now in SW was just complete lag fest


Yet again i have to raid the internet in order to figure out what to do on an in game event. (heartstone).
Im totally clueless and don’t know what to do.
I’ll figure it out eventually but its just annoyng that there never is any explanation or anything. :rage:

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didnt get the damned RNGdary again yay me, much fun

find another job they are taking the p-ss

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People inviting warlocks and thinking they can dispel afflicted.

Is that really surprising though?

As time goes on and more and more leave fir various reasons it will always be the utmost diehard do anything to progress types which stick around the longest…

Well that and people with nothing going for them outside this game.


waited around in SW for the hearthstone portal to appear with lots of other folk. My addon said portal up, I never saw it, ant all the other folk disappeared. What happened!!!

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27 and 28 queues are dead for me.
I guess my rIO is way too low for playing no fotm.

6 mices and 0 discs… grrrrrrrrrrrrr

The amount of people taking part in a Beta complaining about bugs.

Do they not understand what they have signed up for?!?!


Quite possibly not, but tbf it may not be entirely their fault. For quite a while now developers have sold unfinished products by calling them either “beta” or “early access”. It’s become so common that beta “testing” is by many just considered playing an early version. Since they’ve paid for the privilege of playing the “beta” they expect it to be smooth and the notion of finding/reporting bugs is non-existent.