😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Sadly the destination is the goal for the players, not the journey to get there. Since killing the last boss/“completing” the dungeon is what gives the most experience, this is exactly what the players will do, even if it means skipping everything else.

Though my post speaks from a solo/custom perspective outside the LFD instancing.

Yeah I know, it just reminded me something.

I’ve already spoken my mind in the past on how this needs to be reworked. Like either make the bonus proportional to how many bosses were killed in the dungeon, or define a few bosses in each dungeon which are mandatory for it to be completed.

If I decide to do dungeons It’s because I want to play them. It upsets me when I get Detention Block because at that point the dungeon is shorter than the queue.

Faction Change is finally complete. This time likely until they add cross-faction guilds and queues. At least I’ll be able to play with my friends on the Horde and have fun in battlegrounds. Still, I’ll miss being blue.

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Well, you’ll remain a worgen on the forums until you relogg here, so… there’s that? :smiley:

Haha, that won’t last long! But it’s fine. Tauren are a wholesome race as well. And they have that little flower option! :smiley:

Read Blizz logic regarding nerf of Feral 4pc: “Bugs caused it to do too much damage. We fixed the bugs and to compensate we lowered the damage of the ability”.

Feral was almost good, we cannot have that. Enhancement and Surv hunter will get smashed if they continue to do well. Got to have to same old boring specs at the top of the tree.


Ya, blizz logic as always.
Ret is in the same boat, imo.
Instead of giving those specs something fun and desirable to play let’s just nerf them under the ground level and play the three meta classes.


Today would’ve been the perfect day to announce 9.2, Such a wasted opportunity.

Patience, my friend. It’s still early in the US. Perhaps later today we’ll get an announcement. :slight_smile:

The lack of Puny on the forums its not the same.


She might be gone (for now), but is still a prime target to blame for everything :yum:

I do miss her… :frowning:


Frown of today: High rio players deciding “THIS ISN’T HOW WE’VE DONE IT IN OUR GROUP, IMMA PULL MORE” then you instantly wipe and they leave.

Like, how hard can it be to let the tank do the pulling?


‘‘Well, ya lil git, this isnt YOUR group!’’


Ya, and probably those gits don’t watch with some kinda addon what tank cds are ready and etc. They dont even care and they leave after the wipe, lol
Just pull, bruuh :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:

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Me, a healer: sweats anxiously

I hate huge pulls… especially if the tank’s damage intake is insanely spiky and their HP hops up and down like a yo-yo. Even worse if my HW:S is queued and the tank suddenly fully heals with a Death strike and my strong instant becomes an overheal.

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I think I’ll make a macro that says: Complete the key > Time the key. No rush please!

And spam it at the start of the run :laughing:

The toxic ones won’t care a bit and will leave either way :frowning:

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Which is why I try and play with a friend I know, when given the chance.

Good thing my cousin is about to boost a pockettank, so I’ll be able to predict his damage intake :laughing:

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If it’s not a bdk :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley: