His main is… but this will be a protadin, so with any luck he can help with those… mid-finger weeks for healers.
It’s actually not hard to know when Blood is going to self-heal most of the time. Track how much runic power he has. If it’s high, then he’s pooling it for a Death Strike, and can heal himself when he takes a damage spike. If it’s low and he’s taking lots od damage, then heal him up.
Ah, this is a very nice tip, btw. Didnt know it till now!
I like huge pulls, if people know what they’re doing. Most people don’t know what they’re doing though. Often when people do a huge pull, the mobs are just freecasting, no stuns or interrupts on them. That’s just downright unhealable, lol.
In some cases only multiple mass CCs help, so things like Solar Beam - Chaos Nova - Shadowfury in a chain to stop several deadly casters.
It’s difficult to target a specific mob without targetting macros and the like, and couldn’t spare the keybind, nor the time to even click it when people keep taking the huge spikes. It’s pretty much an evil cycle.
Some kiting would be nice too.
i absolutely love huge pulls. tanks who dont pull at a faster pace or pull each mob/group at once drive me up the wall.
when they pull big groups its like ripping the bandaid off in one go. its so satisfying!
I prefer doing it slowly, just to feel more pain.
Frown of today:
Why is the go-to to blame the healer when you die to stuff that you can avoid? Lmao. I didn’t even check his death log at the time he died, he just disappeared right after I healed the tank with a serenity, guy was almost full hp and then he was dead before my GCD finished and he just tries to blame me for that.
Fotm players that only search for their DPS spells instead of using and learning all their spells than includes utility and they’re applying to 25s. I end up dying to 10 stacks of the disease in Gorechop area because I had 30k health (in total) as a blood dk.
Happened on third pack as well, always Gorechop area, 7 stacks of the disease.
Last week I had to tank Gorechop tyrannical 25 with 5 stacks. I don’t know… and then it’s me that gets declined to every key but these people can get into keys easily because they play meta.
Healer left on first pull in a mists 15, lel, we did perfectly without them, but the drood decided to switch for the groups of bugs.
Didnt time it, cause we lost a venthyr balance dps and some bug on second boss, but nevertheless.
People were very kind and i got upset why would someone leave alt f4 on a 15 with good group, but, eh, whatever. Toxic people everywhere
Btw, this same heal was with 2,6k rio or sth, so, ya, don’t invite such people to a 15, they won’t tolerate a single mistake in a pug.
I saw the same happening when doing the daily calling, but since it was a HC we 4 manned it easily.
But at least you downed it with that offspec, so gg!
I did have to leave a key 2 weeks ago however, because of this electricity outage when we were roughly at Ingra. Other than that… I only leave when everyone else does.
But, my potato laptop likes to kicks me in and out randomly and sometimes on a boss
When i say sorry lag people are like ye, ye, lag
Dunno, when my electricity was tricky i was logging back in and telling people this and then back offline. Well, they waited for me and we finished somehow. This fella i think just rage quitted
Humble braggers on the forums.
Who’s this?
300 Attempts in 6 days for the Heartbreaker mount no sign of it
I have concerns about the 9.2 release date while about 30-50% of specs have received good attention.
Some of us are going to be bottom tier (in certain content) for the entire expansion at this rate. Not a happy feel, even for those who do have enough guild/community support that it won’t really restrict their gameplay.
Gotta break out of these strong-meta days, they’re really not healthy.
There’s a troll rampant on the forums I hope they get their vacation soon.
Today, justice might be served.
Thhere is people pushing someone’s death on others on a gaming forum, talking good about the person when there are people that dont like him and know he’s bad.
You said you did not know him you cretin now stop spamming the forum with your inane rubbish and do us a favour dont come back.