šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Reminds me of the intro of Far Cry 3, where Jason Brody had this dialogue with Dennisā€¦

ā€œHere. Cash for weapons.ā€
ā€œYou wanna save your friends, right?ā€
ā€œBut Iā€™ve never shot anyone before.ā€
ā€œWhat do they say in America? Thereā€™s a first time for everything.ā€

And the guy became sorta like a Chosen One.


Just to return briefly to the stupidity of trashing Brigā€™s thread ā€¦ the guy doing it obviously had no clue what a rockā€™nā€™roll lifestyle means and decided that it was something that he did to harm people. He couldnā€™t be more wrong. Yes, the rockā€™nā€™roll lifestyle was around in the 70s & 80s but it harmed no-one but the person concerned. No harm was done to others.



Lemmy is the definition of Rock N Roll GOD, and he lived that life style until the very end - and he has been known to be very kind, respectful and never did anything to anybody.


True story here - a very dear friend of mine actually met Lemmy after a Motorhead concert. He autographed her arm, and she had it tattooed on permanently the next day. By all accounts a top bloke


Disrespectful people on the forums making other peoples lives miserable spreading lies.


There is a place in hell for people declining Love Rocket invites. It takes long enough with 5 characters (and, yes, I know others have many more). It always says you go to the front of the queue, but you donā€™t. After a decline, Iā€™ve now been in the queue 9 minutes with a supposed average wait of 1 minute.

Urgh, I know the feelingā€¦I thought it was just me having bad luck!

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Blizzard really has to improve how the queue works in general. You know that if a DPS declines and then the tank and healer are nowhere to be seen that you arenā€™t back to the front of the queue.

If a tank, 2 dps, and a healer accept - you should be thrown into the dungeon, and the queue can continue to find the last dps. >_>

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Indeed, in an LFG setting, a single dps missing wonā€™t make or break your run. Just will be a bit slower, not to mention most healers can dps with ease as dmg intake is low enough to be mostly healed by your tank.

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Knowing they announced a mobile World of warcraft game for 2022ā€¦

fully knowing the reaction diablo immortal got , they still went ahead and carried on with the idea.

this shows they still think they know best and have learned nothing.

I got a thunderfury bindingā€¦ on my druid.


Now thats harsh.

I am puzzled why people are so drowned to gorge sociopaths in attention. No you wont explain it and it will change them, you just feed them, they revel in your good boi posts and think of you like: ā€œgot em xDā€
When you leave them be they wither away on lack of conflict and eat themselves. Its not rocket science.
But i guess people love their bad bois :thinking:

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Got another forever lovely roseā€¦ Got one more char to try for the rocket on but just canā€™t bring myself to log in on that one atm :frowning_face:

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Angry at myself , had 5 posts buried today and deserved as i was rude and emotional.
A lot of us are feeling sadness at the lost of a dear friend and its no excuse for me to act like i did responding to others.

No doubt i will be on vacation for a while and it will do me good to be away from the sadness here and trolls who set out to incite others when there own actions are just as questionable as mine if not worse.
Just incase it is my last post for a while have fun and may the loot givers be with.


Ya shouldaā€™ve ignore that damn child.

But pretty much understandable.


beat me to it, i agree thoughā€¦


I mean, I really wish that person is gettinā€™ somethinā€™ like a 1000 years vacation.

The forums would deffo be a better place.


It happens, Dee, life is pretty much a rollercoaster and youā€™re deep down at the moment.

It will pass.

If that helps, try counting to 10, and while you do so, think if itā€™s worth the effort to do whatever you are willing to do at that moment. That 10 seconds of idleness is better than a week of bearing the not so good consequences.

That said, there is a flag I understand, at that PvP postā€¦ that was well earned. But then I know you werenā€™t yourself, you are way friendlier and lovable than that in general.

Soā€¦ rest.
Now be a good lady, and donā€™t lose that TL3! :yum: