šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Not being able to change back to my shaman after switching characters on the forum by mistake.

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To be fair I understand as thatā€™s the way I usually feel when I see PvP topics as well. But, well since itā€™s rude I refrain from saying anything.


everyone has down days, it just shows you are human, donā€™t beat yourself up too badly about it youā€™ll never be as disrespectful as me on a bad day after all consider that a compliment :).

being willing to voice that side shows character imoā€¦ nothing to be ashamed of as long as it is in moderation and aimed at the right reasons.


Take a wild guess guys, its pink and drops from some heart box

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Amen, brother.

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Donā€™t apologies for what you did. You had every right to be angry, hurt and you were clearly in pain when you wrote what you wrote. And i donā€™t blame you, that person had it coming, being that disrespectful and hostile. Iā€™ve read many posts on this forum, but some donā€™t deserve a response, he was an a s s hat.

Just do what i did, ignored and muted that person into oblivion. His posts will be buried and never seen again.


Meh, I had a few comments buried myself.

No regrets, though, as he deserved all of it - and I meant all of it. I felt like going way further than what I did.


I know we had a disagreement in an earlier post Daestra and, upon reflection, Iā€™ll apologise for my part in it. The passing of Brigante, the grief caused by it, and the insensitivity of Robinā€™s many posts were undoubtedly going to cause a more volatile exchange. That doesnā€™t justify all of your responses but I can still least apologise for a lack of tact on my part as I disagreed with your attitude (contorary to what you may think, I have zero interest in stalking people!). I hope you will see this as a genuine attempt to move on and consider choosing not to respond to this if you think at all otherwise - some thing are best left unsaid. :blush:


Have you tried logging out and back in to the forum?

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Yep, nothing is happening when I click characters in the character selection thing.

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I have the same issue as Elahri. At first I thought it was browser-related as it was recently updated, but now I am more suspecting it being a Trust Level nerf of some kind.

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Players going AFK in The Crown Chemical Co. Canā€™t even kick them until two minutes have passed, and by then all is killed and they conveniently jump down the stairs for the loot.


Argh ā€¦ why change the text colour to a sick yellow in the Community Council forum? Green was ok with me but the yellow makes my eyes hurt :unamused:

Opened the Deathā€™s Advance paragon chest and received only gold and one BoE token. Ah well, perhaps the mount will drop next time. :frowning:

Itā€™s because community council are legendary, unlike the slightly uncommon regular MVP


today the thing which is making my frown the most is mostly myself.


Getting a friggin dagger from a Korthian Weapon BoA token as a casterā€¦

Was about to go for my daily evening walkā€¦ opened the front door 90mph winds and horizontal rainā€¦ guess i just pass on that today.

Yes, itā€™s pretty bad out there.

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My fence got blown over while I was at work. My sister was walking past my house and she sent a picture. I couldnā€™t believe it.

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