šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)


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Getting people to stay in keys has been awful since the Season started.


My groups all finish, but weā€™ve depleted a lot the last week. Think we failed a 12 at one point (it was Tazavesh).

The whole resetting to 15s being standard every season is pretty demoralising I think. People who were comfortable doing their weekly 15 at the end of S2, now struggle to time a 12, and I think itā€™s making many feel bad about keys in general.

Makes me feel like we should just increase the level at which you get max bonuses; maybe in S3 itā€™s a +20, but thereā€™s no difficulty change vs last tier. If you had a group that had already timed 20s and is happy there? Good on you, youā€™re set for the next season. Everyone else, gear up and go higher. That would be more satisfyingā€¦

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Thatā€™s great, Iā€™m glad youā€™ve found finishers. Last week I spent more time queuing and getting rejected than in keys, and on top of that less than 50% of the keys we did, people managed to stay to the end. We werenā€™t even aiming for 15s, just anything over a +10.

I am utterly demoralised, some friends came to the rescue in the eleventh hour last night so I got at least two slots unlocked for M+ in the Vault. Going forward Iā€™m hoping we can just go with a group of friends weekly to do four keys without any of the grief that comes with PuGs.

The keys are understadibly geared towards two legendaries and tier sets, none of which I have yet. It also does not help when sites label my class as the most undesirable.


Tbf, I exclusively group with people I know wonā€™t quit; guild and community members only.

Couple of times we did agree we needed to drop the level, but we just did that and pushed it back up again, so nbd.

I accept that weā€™re at the bottom of the gear curve for S3, Iā€™m not surprised itā€™s a bit hard, but I just feel like it would be more exciting if the target key level went up, rather than the difficulty being shifted around all the time. I was getting competent in 18s and 19s last season; tell me the new target is 22 or something.

This is one of the reasons I only run with people I know! The state of 9.0 made it clear to me that pugging is for meta classes only. That many people are more competent on other healers is irrelevant; pugs would rather have a venthyr holy paladin that they donā€™t know how to play around.

Not quite sure where this idea that only meta classes will do has come from, but itā€™s having an alarming impact on the quality of the game for many players :pouting_cat:

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Tell me about it, because of not no-lifing last week, my io is poor as well as ilevel and itā€™s a struggle to get even in a 12, lol.
I had 18s last season, šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²

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Yeah, I noticed. Had another leaver earlier when trying to do a +12 nw. They kept renewing bursting and I was just about managing to keep the group alive and then it was renewed again just before it was going to end and we all died. This mage that didnā€™t stop dpsing starts flaming and then left.


Iā€™ve had people questioning why Iā€™m playing kyrian and then kick me. Like Iā€™d ever play venthyr in pugs. Then checking them later, they either didnā€™t finish the key or went well over time with a venthyr paladin.

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Indeed, itā€™s silly. I can only imagine itā€™d be like asking why a mistweaver isnā€™t using the fistweaving legendary, then kicking them for refusing. Despite fistweaving being about trickle feed healing, maximum dps, and absolutely requiring that people in the group know how to get out of the fire.

Other legendaries (and secondary stats) are much safer for ticking off your weekly in a group that might need big emergency heals now and then. I honestly prefer not to fistweave for the majority of M+ groups, even though itā€™s often guild members. That non-optimal build is just so safe and reliable if youā€™re not trying to push high.

The Fish Eyes world quest did grind my gears. Because of how the mechaeyes are fished up, I kept losing mine to the opposite faction that was also farming them in the area and there isnā€™t a lot of them. :frowning:

Also, I decided to pick up the treasure at the world boss, close to the edge. And umā€¦ fell off twice before I could get it. At least it contained a 229 staff that might get sold on AH.

(Edit: I feel like I whine a bit much these days. Maybe I got it from Puny? She too is stressed over the game after all.)

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Yes! When i fished them a goblin dk stood there only to insta steal them from me and i was like :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Awful quest us awful.

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One key this week, the keyholder kept having a go at the tank, it was kind of ironic as the dps kept getting disconnected from the game. We timed it but the tank didnā€™t pay any attn to what the dps was saying.

I think you have to be so thick skinned these days to be a PuG tank in particular.


I legit thought my halls of attonement +11 on my priest would be depleted because the hunter and warrior started fighting, the warrior didnā€™t like that the hunter was bursting vy and they started fighting about it.

Had someone leave my mists +10 on first pull though, people messed up and got killed by those jumping guys, including the leaver.

Doesnā€™t really seem that smart to me to be doing that because Iā€™ve come across the same people several times in m+ groups on alliance, lol. Those leavers are going straight on my ignore and I mostly tank or heal. Have legit joined 3 groups and seen leavers from my keys in them and told the leader they leave keys on first wipes even though you can time it just fine, in 2 groups theyā€™ve kicked them lol and the one that didnā€™t kick(I left the group before it started because Iā€™m not playing with someone that will just leave even though itā€™s still doable just fine), didnā€™t finish the key so I think the guy left again.

I donā€™t remember having a problem to get into a 10 last season, yesterday and today i wasted 2! Hours of my life for some stinky 10s even to get walls of texts you have been declined, lel.
Pls, dudes, itā€™s only a 10-12, chill out.
Ya, i donā€™t have gear because rng ya know.
Also, yes, I do my key as well.
Wth is this gate keeping for 10s, loool? And even with leaders with s2 or s1 1000 rio, lol, i just cant.

ā€œThat Darm Fox!ā€ quest is seriously the dumbest thing anyone could have come up withā€¦

And the normal raid is similarly gatekept. Iā€™ve just returned to the game - this keeps getting worse and worse.

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Steve Danuser :no_mouth:


So itā€™s pointless to transfer to horde :pensive:

Itā€™s the same thing in both factions (I transferred about a year ago). And besides if cross-faction instances are coming, youā€™re better off holding onto your money (although guilds are a different matter - fingers crossed for 10.0 there) :slight_smile:

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Yep, thanks for the reply :slight_smile: