šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Spent 2 hours in Lfr on my alt Warrior, but didnā€™t get lootā€¦

ā€œpriest you have to mass dispel burstingā€

Meanwhile, everyone is standing in the opposite corners of the instance.

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Iā€™m not a new player in fact I just started on the EU but you have all been more helpful then my time in the NA version of the game. Thought that made me smile.


The inconvenience of the pet and mount crafting systems in ZM, I canā€™t see what recipes Iā€™m missing, I canā€™t see what I need to craft anything, unless I go to the two different locations for each.

Not very handy at all.


Even worse when they are spread all the time so canā€™t hit more than 1 with Sanctify.

I realised that the team that made shadowlands is still in charge of the game :pensive:

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Having to wait 30-60mins in Shadowland heroic dungeon queues to be only able to run 4 dungeons in total in one evening and not even getting anything at all useful.

Today i went to that new grind zone for the first time, because it is forced upon me by the game. I didnā€™t like it, it was boring and made me exit the game after 1h.

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How inflexible the grouping is while in an instance.

I am in my very own Heroic Sethekk Halls instance ID with the first boss down minding my own business farming transmogs, and a friend asks if I can create a group for them and their friend.
Surely I do invite my friend and their pal and and wishing them a fun time before I set my friend as leader and leave the group.

Now, what do the game do? I get a timer counting down from 59 seconds before I am kicked out of my own Dungeon ID. Common, why is this a thing when none of the folks I created the groups for ever stepped into my dungeon?

Tanks standing in the immune to healing thing in necrotic wake.

Getting a Ilvl enhanced purple caster trinket for my feral druid. At least I can always use off specc. But still it could have been like other gear that changes from agility to intellect through respeccing. IMO anyway.

:smiley: itā€™s interesting to read this
I for example love this mechanic cause when iā€™m farming for example karazhan for TMOG we all know how big and long this raid is
and this mechanic is giving me 1 minute TP out
without this mechanic i coudnā€™t even imagine playing raids like SoO or any other raid where i canā€™t go out at the end

The fact that sanctum upgrades are still time gated in 9.2. They should have just given us portals to Oribos from the get go, or made them account wide.

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Edit, changing it to this;

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever yeeted myself out of a group as fast as that before. The guy is playing a paladin and is telling a holy paladin to switch off devo aura. Like, sorry, what. How oblivious can you be to the class youā€™re playing yourself?

They still think that putting 10 second CD onto quest items is fun and engaging. No i donā€™t think so.

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500 casts today and still no sign of that Great Sea Ray. They should really put some sort of bad luck protection regarding rare catches.

Just not enjoying the end game daily stuff atm.

I gave up doing that. Totally pointless pursuit.

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Level 60 players sniping rares from nearby lowlevel players. Allowance could arguably be made for petcollecting Hunters, but that does no apply here.

Bugged WQ in ZM