šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I Fā€¦ spent 1H50 to killing those F. mobs with shards to have this rare ladinas mob coming and drop Fā€¦ NOTHINGā€¦ Iā€™m furious. F. THE ASSHL who managed this toy creation. SERIOUSLY??? 2Hours is the time to have fun to make a raid and multiple dungeons. I hope the developer gets firedā€¦ or worse that heā€™s forced to drop 10 times that Fā€¦ toy. some ppl really deserve slaps, they Fā€¦ donā€™t know what anger they generate.

Fair few rares with out of the way methods of spawning them this expansion alrightā€¦

My ending game time.
Wait ā€¦

That made me smile ! ā€¦

PvP matching, our team an average hp of 60+ and thatā€™s high. The other team an average of 110+ā€¦yeahā€¦nice matching. I am glad my sub runs out in a week.

I have had enough of this.

I logged in, wondering wtf am I even doing here. :frowning:

Then i logged out.

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Peopleā€™s attitude in a bg when they are losing. Telling other ppl to commit suicide etcā€¦I know itā€™s considered "normal(lke wth?) these days but I still find it sadā€¦

When my parses for my spec in raid are insane compared to normal cause virtually nobody plays my class :joy:

Not being able to use the flightmaster until you quit the game (Yes I was out of combat, even vanished to make sure).
When grouped, quests not working properly. Having to abandon them and re-do all the steps sometimes even needing to leave the group (nope, not in a raid).
Quest objectives not being there and the quest giver phasing out after accepting quest.

In the end I got angry. Too many things conked out in just an hour or two.

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Seeing a druid hyperspawn farm WQ mobs. Happens too much these days, before the sound of the WQ popping up you hear Starfall going off. :expressionless:

Looking at Void elf ugly hair color :frowning:

The amount of multi boxers, they are everywhere.
As someone who likes gathering and crafting in MMOs nothing make me want to quit this WoW more, this isnā€™t excepted in other games.
Blizzard said they were going to get rid of them, in reality they did nothing.


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Did some arena skirms with a friend. He was a ret I was on my DH im maining this expac and he got crit for 25k off an Enh shaman with an AOE ability. It hit me too and took me to 60% hp from the same ability
Cant remember the name possibly chains or something

Was a big Wut >.<

Me, who played MMOā€™s since foreverā€¦ I can tell you: Multi-Boxing is quite common and accepted. Botting, not so muchā€¦ but on that part ActiBlizz is too slow with banning them so they keep on making profit and wonā€™t go away.

You are playing with a ret paladinā€¦ You shouldnā€™t complain about big numbers, especially with the amount of heals he pumping while put bubble on you and still oneshotting someone.

If you think 25k done from an AOE ability is okay I donā€™t know what to tell you my friend :slight_smile:. Furthermore, at no point did I claim Rets are completely balanced at the moment.

FYI my hp is 23k :slight_smile:

State of Survival Hunter since 3 Expansions.


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Not getting resurrected at world boss, even though we have a bazillion classes who can rez now.

Why has that become a thing btw? I still go out of my way to rez people on my retadin when they are in the middle of nowhere.

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Overly wide aggro ranges for mobs, dying centimetres from quest hand in and ressing on other side of map - grrr.

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The long reach of spiteful mobs

Havenā€™t seen enough thicc male dwarfs recently :frowning: