šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I didnt get invincible but i got mimirons head today instead


I was leveling my rogue.
I joined a group for Necrotic Whatever (the 1st bastion dungeon) and the tank, a monk feels overconfident and pulls a lot of thrash right away along with the first boss. We wipe.
The healer quits right away. When I /whisper him to ironically thank him for leaving is without a healer, he replies:
ā€œAs if I would waste the little time I have with that tankā€.
Meanwhile the tank and we the 3 dps manage to quickly kill the trash one pack at a time and the first boss without a healer.
By that time we ended up getting a new healer and the rest of the dungeon went smoothly. It was a normal leveling dungeon after all

That first healer represents what I consider to be the main problem with the mentality of a lot of players in modern WoW: They cannot stand any setback and only accept a perfect quick run of a dungeon/raid.
At this point I wonder why they even play an MMO.

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Eek! Logging in now!

I got stuck behind some rocks trying to do a quest in ZM. I was going to use the unstuck tool only to find it was going to dump me in Westfall so I HSā€™d as Elysian Hold was a little more reasonable. Too late to fiddle around going back so todayā€™s dailies will be uncashed.

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Realised that my guilds hunters and demon hunters all have 2p (same item group).

Meanwhile the warrior/monk/rogue item group has no items at all between us. None.

Blizzā€¦? Can we make sure those are dropping plz?

Found out while flying low in ZM that the gunners in the sandy area can shoot you down.

still getting punished for not logging in daily to complete the rep grind.

Well, after the raid, one of our DHs has 4p.

Our warrior, monks, and rogues have 0p because no token for that group has ever dropped in our raids.

Itā€™s not that I begrudge others for having 4p already. Itā€™s that I begrudge a system whereby some have 4p, and some have 0p, and there is nothing we did wrong, or can do about it.

I really, really donā€™t like RNG when itā€™s tied to the seasonā€™s new feature. Did we not learn from putting legendaries behind world bosses with a 4 week rotation and 30% drop rate? Did we not realise how bloody annoying it is to be on the back end of the power curve due to nothing more than ā€œbad luckā€?

Honestly Blizzard. Do better. Open the Catalyst tomorrow, or at least next week. The fun is rapidly vanishing for the folks who havenā€™t had a taste of the new features yet.

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Which one? Because thereā€™s no punishment for not being repped with the ZM faction. In every single case, there is an alternative to having any rep at all with them.

4 bosses today, carrying on from 3 bosses last week.

1 item drop from 7 bosses, and it wasnā€™t even an upgrade.

Never EVER do that to loot drops again Blizzard.

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ā€˜Match Made in Zereth Mortisā€™ and the cosmic energy required for teleportsā€¦


Iā€™m glad tier is back, trying to get sets is a pain though.

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Seems to be no information available on how to get various Pocopoc customisation looks.

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Prince Malchezaarā€™s gear token drop rate is terrible, which itself is tedious - but yet only an inconvenience.
However, being TBC Karazhanā€™s last boss, one have to complete the sluggish Chess Event to get to him every time - on every single char grinding for their class gear tokens. I wish this event was skippableā€¦ :weary:

i have zero motivation to do anything in game, its depressing.

i used to love m+ but the lack of gear drops and generalā€¦progression, is a real turn off, it has gotten so boring. cant be bothered to play alts because they have to catch up on so many things that i log straight out again after two minutes. really wanted to get ksm mount because i love the colour but im pondering whether i should just say screw this im out.

feels like im in a real low point in my wow time.


IKR? I have vambraces and the lead/pearl colours, and that is itā€¦ Feels like Blizz forgot to implement the rest of the customisation tree, because by now Iā€™d really expect to have encountered some of it by accident.

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Not saying youā€™re wrong to feel that way, butā€¦

  1. legendary recipes; mail soul ash/cinders to your alt, buy from vendor
  2. crafting legendaries; mail soul ash/cinders to your alt
  3. renown; buy the item for 500g that gives you 40. At 56 you fully unlock your third soulbind, so just pick a covenant you have done before and to heck with the meta? Or do the campaign and get 80 in one you never did before. By the time I hit level 60 on my hunter, I was about 68 renown just from dungeon spam.
  4. do the ZM intro quest and be showered with 229+ gear. Do not skip if you are below 60 renown!
  5. go to ZM, buy the thingy that gives you all conduits at 226

My perspective, 9.2 is by far the best patch of SL for catch up.

For mains however, dear god give me a frikking drop! Iā€™m ilvl 254, Iā€™ve done an average of 6x M+ and 7 raid bosses every week. Thereā€™s no bloody loot from doing content, itā€™s only from the vault, and the vault sucks if you didnā€™t get tier in it :pouting_cat:

i know all that. gear/legendaries/renown are not the issue at all. its the questing and all the other stuff. i dont feel like going through everything again and again and again. its so boring.

the entire pocopoc stuff in zm should be account wide for example. i just cant be bothered.

But how will you pass the time until the next expansion!!??! Eh EH??!! Silly girl.

Blizzard logic