šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Tanks that donā€™t use their CDs and just die instantly.

Iā€™m really surprised, the cypher research is done, the raid is cleared, all the rares have been farmed, the chests looted, the hidden teleport rooms visited and still we have nothing to show for it.

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I feel you :hugs:

I think Iā€™ve done more complaining this patch than any other. There are just so many things I dislike.

AotC and KSM mount (and you) are currently keeping me playing.

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Canā€™t disagree on this one! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Still, thinking on taking a breakā€¦ apart from little free time, I also have only a little to do and Heroes V is a better way for me to spend my rest after a rough day.

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Iā€™m so sick of WoW at the moment I log in to do dailies and some wqā€™s for a minuscule amount of rep then log off to play on my xbox.

Id rather play Shadowman remastered right now although I will have a legitimate excuse next week.



I have more fun playing Animal Crossing than playing WoW, I do the dailies because I need exalted and itā€™s the only way Iā€™m getting any of the currency for the mounts.

I feel so bad because Iā€™m constantly so negative about the game. I like the raid and I like playing with friends.


Buying a BMAH lootbox and getting a piece of equipment you canā€™t use. PAIN.

Out of all the problems WoW has, that for me is the biggest problem. I could give two hoots about gear. raidsā€¦ all that shmazzle.

If Iā€™m not having FUN playing the gameā€¦
Everyone knows how much I goof around on the forums and love my Death Knight Souldefiler, but right now in Frost, my fave spec, Iā€™m just not enjoying it.


Havenā€™t had a Progenitor Essentia drop in 4 days :frowning:

The horrible drop rate of the Dominance Key, whoever in Blizzard thought farming to get it would be fun is an idiot.

Yet another failed attempt at the second paragon mount of Deathā€™s Advance. Thatā€™s 10+ more days of Korthia for me. :frowning:

I guess the days of Rift Farms are over now. That used to be a nice quick way to grind the rep.

Wasnā€™t that only for the Archivistā€™s Codex reputation?

Someone was toxic towards me in a BG and I snaped and insulted them back. Hadnā€™t happened in a very long time, I feel bad.

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Season 4 nonsense made me frownā€¦


I thought I did, but I didnā€™t :rage:

Thought in previous expansions how nice it would be to have flappy things periodically attacking us while we are flying around.
ā€¦ role on the sand area in ZM - no (insert swear word) way :flushed:

Joint Operations - The Hunt mission.

My team would have had to deal a measly 35 dmg to the one boss to be successful.

Thirty-god-damn-five. Out of 15k.

There goes 750 easy rep.


Season 4 announcement

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another season of shadowlands:

but maybe it wont be that bad, its just way too new to pass judgement imo so i wouldnt stress myself about it too much, its still so far away and a lot of things can happen.

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why you dont healer myne

Yeah, like taking a break for several months before S4 comes out.