šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Oh boy oh boy oh boy I have six vault slots open letā€™s go see what upgrade I getā€¦

  • 2 trinkets (one duplicate, one irrelevant for my healer loot spec)
  • 2 belts (ā€¦really? belts? TODAY?)
  • a non-tier 252 raid helm (donā€™t need)
  • some neck with worse stats than my current, idk what it is who cares

Took the tokens of merit.

This is how you crush peopleā€™s will to log in. Get the goddam belts out of my vault and put a tier item in their place! Any tier item, itā€™ll be my first.

Blizzard trolled you big time with the belts. Will see what the vault of disappointment gives me this time - a +2 key and some useless bits I expect

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The vault didnā€™t deem me worthy of tier set.

One set foreva

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Pocopoc dps shaming me on the world boss, I hit 7,845ā€¦

he blasts out 22k.

I got outdpsed by a robotic potato.

At least my vault gave me a weapon upgrade.


Ha, me 2, and old weapon for one month, lol
I can just puke from doing the three weapon dungeons already

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The Venthyr legendary for Priests is useless in PvP and I have to switch to Necrolord, losing all my Covenant upgrades in the process. I really hate this. I like Venthyr, I donā€™t want to change, but if I donā€™t I will be at a massive disadvantage.

Good point, needed more time to digest it.

A lot can happen.

Just made a long post with links and everything (which wasnā€™t easy this early in the morning) to explain that masked swear words in forum posts break the rules just like full ones thus why the person was suspended.
I clicked reply and found all my carefully crafted prose disappear into the pit of 404 this thread doesnā€™t exist any more.
Bah humbug!

  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • (2) Set Bonus: Fixed a rare issue which could incorrectly cause Divine Purpose (Talent) to be usable twice after Ashes to Ashes triggered.

Please tell me you erupted into a swarm of expletivesā€¦

Thatā€™s your fault for abusing it!!

My WoW gripe?

I change my hair colour just for a laugh and it breaks my profile pageā€¦

I have one tier piece, in the words of Shaggy, wasnā€™t me!

It breaks my heart as wellā€¦ :sob: how could you?

(PS: we are in the same boat anyways)

It needs to go back before it breaks more than my profile pageā€¦

I think the Armory just isnā€™t working well atm. I get an error page for mine too.

Can I blame you?


The quality of the new threads posted on the forum todayā€¦

But of course ā€¦ but verbal and not in a forum post :wink:

Though gratz on breaking the armoury. Impressive :smiley:

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Oopsā€¦ Too late.

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Iā€™ve been frowning and am still frowning about Blizzardā€™s season 4 announcement.
Iā€™m not sure I can ever stop frowning about that.


Nothing is working well atm with battle.net, my friend list isnā€™t working either.