šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Messing up just about everything I could in a key and we went over time :frowning:

Just feels meh

Tanking an OHF on my paladin.

Our hunter was kind enough to mass pull everything at first boss, I had to tank 15 enemies twice before we disbanded.

Problem is, you canā€™t even kite these because they love to spam fear and disorient you which also means no mitigation if SotR drops.

Reallyā€¦ canā€™t they let the tank pull?

Feeling bad for not pushing keys after i got my ksm but instead wanting to play my other toons.
Ngl, m+ without a set is pretty boring dull and sad experience for me competing with some 4pc people.
I preffer to wait the forge and play alts instead of buying or pugging normal raid, lol, no interest.

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Old Hillsbrad Foothills


Usually I have to deal with muppets who donā€™t know the dungeon and scream at me ā€œWHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING THRALL!!ā€

ā€œbecause you HAVE to follow Thrallā€™s RP or it resetsā€¦ā€

ā€œWe donā€™t have time! gogogogogogogo!!ā€

ā€œBut we canā€™t gogogogo, we need to wait for Thrā€¦ā€

loading screen

Why do you not do any sl dungeons Soul? Even normal?"

See above.

Edit. Actually. I did do ONE SL Dungeon on normal, and was kicked because I made ONE mistake in not getting to the table in time to get the abom to hook the boss into the fight.
After that, I never set foot into a dungeon again, and as I play late at night and no one is on I am happy to wait until I can solo them without having to deal with mouthbreathers who have zero patience and even worse, donā€™t seem to take it on board they are playing a bloody videogame

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Tis a game, tis a game, tis just a bloody videogameā€¦

No, no, noā€¦ donā€™t minmax!
I said you bloody donā€™t! Stop reading the guide!

Donā€™t be like the rest of them!.. donā€™t be a rusher elite squadron fighterā€¦! Stop with this spacial madness, NOW!

ā€¦wait, what was this about? Ah yes.

Because he has a pleasant scent so much that I throw up after exactly 2 seconds and his pockets are full of gold!

Need some cash for felweed because Iā€™m broke. Again.
Only have 290k gold, outrageous! Back in my hayday I used to swim in millions of little shinies! :moneybag:

I think my Sylvanas book has been delivered but as we were out to lunch at the time theyā€™ve left it with neighbours, who NEVER answer the door :sob:

And why is there no black pudding in WoW!

Not that ghastly cheap knock off blood puddingā€¦


(Disclaimer. Souldefiler gets through 2 packets of this a week. Most nutritious food ever!)

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Thatā€™s why I prefer to tank as a paladin, even if a hunter dumps aggro on me if itā€™s unreasonable I can just DS and lose all aggro.

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It was coffee, not a book, still good but not what I wanted.

Youā€™ve given me a great idea of retribution should the need ariseā€¦ thanks very much!

(and hereā€™s hoping the mobs will indeed turn against the ninjapullers and not my healer!)

insert evil laughter gif here

I noticed my common issues thread in the support forums was unpinned.

I donā€™t know why maybe they didnā€™t like that something unofficial like that might be confused for something made by them or whatever.

I hope people got their use out of it while it was still pinned.

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Tried to do some dungeons as a tank but most of the groups ignored me or told me to get legendaries. I learned how to get legendaries, but if I wanted better item level for the legendary than the gear I have from heroic dungeons, I need to spend over 100k gold which doesnā€™t seem like a good deal to me.

I also got disappointed when one helpful player offered to show me where I can buy 226 shield to replace my 134 shield but turns out I cannot get there yet.

I have way more fun flying, exploring and questing in Draenor than being bound to ground in the Maw. Why waste my time in a pit of darkness doing tedious quests like a zombie when I have the option to enjoy my time at the verdant zones of Nagrand?

You should pet Katzen. Thats gonna help

It was a helpful post, do people read pinned posts though?

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Some did, considering the amount of clicks on the links.

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I think in general people donā€™t actually know how to get to the wow support pages to see official info on various things.

Itā€™s a shame your pinned topic was removed.

Well, this isnā€™t WoW-related so much as itā€™s WoW forums-related.

I feel that Iā€™ve been far too negative in the past month, and for that I truly apologize. I wanted to join the forums to provide useful and constructive feedback and engage in fun and meaningful discussions with my fellow WoW fans, but it seems that Iā€™ve strayed from that road. Iā€™ll try to be more positive and constructive for the remainder of my time on the forums.

Everyone here is unique, interesting and contributes to the forums in some way. The variety of personalities and characters is great, and I am glad to have met all of you. Hereā€™s to having more fun, respectful and enjoyable forum discussions in the days to come. :slight_smile:


Friend list not working, despite logging out and back in and several other things to try to fix it.