šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Done the first wing of Sepulcher on LFR. Dropped a totally useless 1h sword, although it was a 19ilvl upgrade - ended up trading it to one of the other DPS. Apart from that, i got absolutely Jack out of the entire run

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Iā€™m not enjoying Shadow Priest at all currentlyā€¦ gameplay feels very clunky.

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Today I realised when Mechagnome laughs (well mine anyway) itā€™s both the OG Gnome laugh and the Mechagnome laugh overlapping. Please fix lol

Same stuff happens to LF draenei, lol. Reported it ages ago but hasnā€™t been fixed. Seems the only way to actually get stuff fixed is by breaking the game so bad that it results in people exploiting stuff.

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Garrosh did not drop the Tusks, as usual.

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Itā€™s not reset yet. Iā€™m ready for the vault of disappointment.

The ember Court and its reputations are going so slowly. This really shouldā€™ve been a daily event, not weekly. :frowning:

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Because you think people care / are waiting for your opinion on a new expansion? When in truth anyoneā€™s opinion about it will be drowned out by literally everyone that will be making thread after thread about it.

Iā€™m not familiar with your posts in particular (Iā€™ve probably read them but donā€™t remember them) but if someone says stuff like this I picture someone who has narcissistic tendencies. And ofc when people disagree with you they donā€™t have ā€˜an open mindā€™ or are wrong.

Ugh :roll_eyes: See my above reply.

Not relevant? A very strange and niche thing to say to strengthen your point on a forum about a video game. Besides we have no way to check if thatā€™s true, if this would be even relevant to the discussion. This is strawmanning at best.

Like I said Iā€™m not that familiar with your posts in the sense that I remember them but Iā€™m fairly sure nobody here is intimidated by you. And again: why mention this at all? Strawman argument if I ever saw one.

My personal advice, which you probably donā€™t care about, is that you shouldnā€™t take a video game forum this serious. Itā€™ll make your life less stressful.


I bought missives to upgrade my current legendary. Turns out I didnā€™t need them :frowning:


Anyway, my WoW frown today, fishing ā€œstrange gloopā€ and after 250 casts filled with lost soles and a handful of blue fish that I cant remember the name of I am still goopless.

And I will further frown today when my vault laughs at me and spits out garbage.

Having to go back to Oribos every time I want to swap Covenant.

At least Iā€™m only doing it for casual farming stuff but some do it for raids. That must be super tedious.

Got 2 tier pieces on my lowly geared hunter that I donā€™t really play more than a few low keys per week.

My paladin hasnā€™t received one.


The vault :frowning:

Absofukinlutely. Oh well. I can at least wait for my subpar 278 head to become a set piece.


It didnā€™t even give me something I can convert with the catalyst.

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small oof :frowning:

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Couldnā€™t bank my anima as apparently Iā€™ve reached the limit. Struggling to find anything to spend it on that I havenā€™t already got so I donā€™t end up with bags full


The kindest thing I can say about my vault today is that it had a chest piece that I can throw in the Catalyst next week.

The unkindest thing is that 3 (50%) of my options were trinkets, and 1 was my legendary slot. I thought we werenā€™t supposed to see this much repetition? Why do I get the same 2-3 trinkets every week? Why is it so hard to get armour this season?

Edit: also, itā€™s fortified bolstering week. This might be a good week to sit back and play other games because weā€™re not going to be pushing keys with those affixes :pouting_cat:

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MM Hunters hitting me with 32k Aimed Shots

You can buy leather and other crafting items with it, fast money