šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Thought of putting it in any of the other covenant reservoirs?

Providing you are in a position you can swap around freely ofc.

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I didnā€™t get pocopoc customisation upgrade from the weekly Enlightened cache. Hopefully next week.

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Buggy TBC flight masters. Once a fly trip is bought, the flying mount spawns with me and we go nowhere. The solution is to log out and back in, and by then I spawn halfway in the flying journey giving me no time to do what I intended to while attending the flight.

Wanted to cap Shadowlands fishing today but in the end got it to 182/200 before getting too tired. Wasted my time hunting down some legendary memories from Castle Nathria & other places only to end up crafting the Leaper memory with honor.

EDIT AND MEGAFROWN. I just noticed that I had crafted wrong legendary memory on the itemā€¦

In PvP on a Pandaria map a rouge named ā€œHahaā€ (probably as reference to Nelson from the Simpsons) stunned me 3 times in a row because of the world buff at shrine. Then he killed me and captured the shrine.

Did I mention I hate pvp and only play it when I need transmogs? :smiley:

Being told by some guy he hopes I die because I didnā€™t invite him to my key. Like, what is wrong with you. Definitely the right call to not invite him.


Full clear of available LFR bosses, one, ONE drop.

A tier set piece.


Which I already have.

Allow me to quote myself and remind everyone whoever is responsible for this ā€œfun engaging way to play WoWā€ has got it atrociously wrong and hopefully is never given responsibility again.

Forgot to check active legacy raid size on my Priest, and wasted this weekā€™s Onyxia reset on 25N while I needed 10N. :weary:

The Provis Cache. Dear Lord, how I loathe that thing. Iā€™ve collected at least 150 Ephemera Strands so far, and Iā€™ve yet to receive a single key. And then, when I finally do get it, I only have a CHANCE to get the Pocopoc customisation item from it. And the Ephemera Strands are also RNG drops. So thatā€™s triple RNG. And on top of it all the cache is time-gated and can only be opened once per day. Ughā€¦

Making Ephemera Strands and Pocopoc item guaranteed drops but leaving the key as an RNG drop? Sounds good. Making the key guaranteed and the other two RNG? Alright. But both? Thatā€™s just overkill. :frowning:

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Trying to unlock Nightborne race, got halfway done with the required achievement Insurrection only to be stopped by a quest ā€œStabilizing Suramarā€. Quest requires me to clear 10 world quests in Suramar but would have been nice to know that such quest exists before this morning when I cleared the whole zone and have 0 world quests on the map. :frowning:

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walked 5 hours to work last nightā€¦ only to set off the temperature alarmā€¦ turns out i have covid again for the 4th time.

got sent homeā€¦

so now im back on the wow forums again >.>

4th time? Oh boy. Youā€™re not vaccinated, are you?

i am vaccinatedā€¦ people come into where i work sick and dont say anything cause the sickpay is awful/// so they come in no matter even with covid and spread itā€¦

and my job is stand in for when people go off sickā€¦ so im the first person to work in their area or have close contact with em when they eventually go home sick.

i will say ā€¦ i didnt even know i was that sick this time around ā€¦ catching it so many timesā€¦ has made it very hard to tell when i am sick.

i only have a slight coughā€¦ nothing else.

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I have returned.

I just didnā€™t return as the goblin Azog.


Welp, the Battle of the Five Armies didnā€™t do you any favours.

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Thatā€™s not how vaccines work, they help resist a disease by flagging ā€˜recognition of a threatā€™ to your bodyā€™s immune system, triggering the production of disease specific antibodies, utilising controlled exposure to either the disease, or in some cases, an avatar of the diseaseā€¦this does not guarantee you will not catch the disease (frequently in a milder form)ā€¦If he was not vaccinated, he would have a higher percentile chance of being in Intensive Care.
Omicron and its variants, are not a consequence free version of Covid-19.

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Youā€™re quoting a 20day old post.

You had me worried there for a mo :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Relatable, actually. Like I log in, and see so much to do all of a suddenā€¦ it was so much in the past and I didnā€™t bat an eye. I dunno what changedā€¦

20 day old, but still all current. :frowning_with_open_mouth: