šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Not really, Schmu is having more fun on her Shaman alt than on her main atm.


Itā€™s more of a mindset statement this time, but thatā€™s true as well, when we did a key last week she was on shammy.

I hope Sinny will teach her to make a popcorn rain though! :yum:

People you think you can trust and you think they are something else than they turn out to be and spreader of rumours it hurts people can break trust like they did and make so many problems and they show no remorse spouting rubbish all over forums.


you are right btwā€¦ but this virus would not put me in intensive care as much as i wish it would lolā€¦

maybe thatā€™s the trickā€¦

i caught it twice un vaccinated and twice vaccinatedā€¦ all the of them were about the same as the last.

i have been ā€œsickā€ more times in the last 2 months from viruses than i have been in the past 10 years of my life.

still kicking thoughā€¦ with no lasting side effectsā€¦

only thing i really noticed between vaccinated and unvaccinatedā€¦

was the period i lost my smell was shorter after being vaccinated.

by 24 hours.

and i did not really get a sore throatā€¦ just a deep voice.

anyway done my 5 days self isolation now ā€¦ back to work tomorrowā€¦

i still feel like i have a slight coldā€¦ but thems the rules innit.


Finished mine on Monday. Thought it was 10 days according to the NHS app, but my boss called me that morning and said I could go back Wednesday. Was so looking forward all this week off. But like you say, thems the roolz


yeah , you can refuse and say ur still ill and take the 10 days if you really want to thoughā€¦

for me i kinda stormed out of my job in bad faith before falling ill the week before so i have to show face lol.

if i spread it ā€¦ because of thatā€¦ not much of it is my fault, the rules say 5 days according to company records.

also if they try to punish me ā€¦ i can just say ā€¦ well someone came in ill without saying anything about it and made me illā€¦ so why am i punished for saying i had it?

they literally cannot do anything about it.


My depression came back and I feel awfully bad.
Reason is prettyyy trivial but my brain canā€™t let me have a simple life since idk neverā€¦
I know itā€™s a wow forum, loll, but i cant bother to tell these things to people irl.
Be happyšŸ™ƒ




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You can get through this. It can often hit for stupid reasons or no reason at all. Itā€™s good you can tell people here. Telling others is the first step to healing yourself. hug


I thought it would get easy when I tell, because in theory it goes like this, but when I cant find a decision what to do, I continue to feel the same.
Barely can even think atm.
It sux to be such a fragile-mind person all your life. Things get you off guard here and there so many times and you have to find a reason to start all over again and again till the new trigger.
Sorry for the spam and the bad English


Epic Battlegrounds are impossible to win as Alliance.

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Better reach out and tell whatā€™s on your mind. Depression is like a poison, the longer you leave it unattended, the worse it will get.

Iā€™ll hear it happily if youā€™re willing to share :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Excuse me,what is the joke as ā€œ10 charā€ ?

10 characters are needed to make a post, and

ā€¦is only 3, so we do a /10chars to make it 10.

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Ok ty

I already have 41 chars but 28 alts at lvl 60

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Yeah, I didnā€™t realise the thread had got bumped until after postingā€¦should have checked the dates, my bad.

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Druids who innervate me when Iā€™m at full mana and literally nobody needs any healing and they have it on CD when I do need it. Like, why.

I would love to, but in a pm, sadly, we cant on this forum
I just donā€™t want to spam the topic with me so much :blush:

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We all get caught out by these sneaky tactics so now and then :laughing:

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I miss the days were i used to misquote you on purpose :stuck_out_tongue:

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