😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

28th Streets run and no weapon at all.
And i have 19 days of sub to go for FFXIV

My sub lasts till the reset at the 13th, but the actual sub time left shown by my launcher keeps changing to 12th night or 13th early morning and so I’m not certain if I could get a final weekly reward if I do any endgame content this week.

Or worse, if I could get a 2/5 set at the very least.

Which is correct then, the website date (13th evening) or the launcher date? :frowning:

I got kicked twice from random leveling dungeons because I did not want to play arcane mage and spam arcane explosion. Simply replied that I don’t want to play as a mindless drone and spam only one button throughout the dungeon which in my opinion ruins the fun of leveling progress and the progress of leveling a mage. I admit that at first arcane was fun but after couple levels it got super boring while frost and fire have variety to the abilities.

Guess i’ll have to quest my mage and return to the dungeons at max level.

Another 1h weapon from lfr tonight - again completely useless, however i did get my 2 piece from a token so kinda offsets it a bit

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Have spent a lot of time in the Maw gathering souls. Trying to get two sanctums up and running at the same time is a pain.

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Yet again I died a horrible death, flying off a mountain, only to find I’d mounted my ground mount instead.


But you too are a priest… didn’t you have Levitate on your bars?

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Yes, but by the time I realised I wasn’t on my flying mount it was too late to find and click it.


i spent quite alot of time this day trying to summon oily invertebrate, and i kinda miss the /spit emote

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I quit my guild :expressionless:

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"you got this Ananda, just scoot off the ed… oh wait that bike can’t fl…



Vault contained 2 necks, 2 trinkets, and both my legendary slot items.

It’s not even an illusion of choice.

Bit tired of this endless parade of trinkets I don’t need. Can’t even throw any of these into the Catalyst…

So mean but also :rofl:


I can now show Wil E Coyote re enacting the sad moment for us in his own indomitable style…

meep meep


Bad vault 3rd week in a row, only 2set.

OMG, that’s so close to what it looked like …


Souldefiler sees all…

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For example, current footage of Punyelf drying her hair after her morning shower…


The Vault :frowning:

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