😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Getting declined from a group for Antros last night for not having full tier set - made me laugh more than anything


What??? Seriously?
I do Antros every week and it’s mostly automatic accept. I’ve never had a tier set in my life, nor am I likely to get one this time.


Lol, the copium levels are high with that pug :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
Meanwhile,.people do mythics without full set, just lol :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:


Trying to decide between 2 pizzas while playing Wow.


Maybe ya should work harder :<

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Trying to decide between Morrowind and Oblivion, while oogling Troll toe pics on google.

I prefer goblin ones myself…

They smell real good too…

The gnomes just ain’t as good anymore…

PC fried today while playing WoW.

Roll on tomorrow when my replacement arrives.

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I do not enjoy SL plot anymore. Just can’t get myself to complete Korthia plot:(

As if the SL plot was enjoyable from the start.

that holy does more damage than shadow with dots…

and blizzard don’t care


SL had a plot???

It lost the plot.

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My level 48 Mage left Chromie time last week for doing the weekly legacy vanilla+TBC raids, and now she can’t return to Chromie time for levelling to 50. :frowning:

It had interesting stories, but further I progress, less interesting stories I see. Overall, I noticed, that Blizzard are good in making simple stuff and bad in making complex stuff

I miss my elf forum friends.
Shouldn’t have returned here ;(

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Yes she can, you need to abandon the SL intro quest and talk to Chromie before it’s back in your quest log. Unless you actually completed that quest, then she really can’t, at least not until 10.0.

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