šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

My Night Fae hunter alt being stuck in pig form, after getting a rune stag soul form drop. :pig: :deer:

I can select the form but it doesnā€™t work, so running around in angry pig trot. :pig2: :upside_down_face:

Is the pig for rested areas? Is it one of the small soulshapes we use?

Yes it is !

The rune stag quest dropped from a Mystic Rainbowhorn kill. I handed it in to the soulshape npc, who cast a glow on my character, (which looked like it worked) but the new form doesnā€™t seem to change from piggy. :pig2:

You need to remove your critter soulshape if you want to use the stag everywhere. Otherwise youā€™ll only use the stag in non rested areas.

How do I do that ?

I came out of soulshape before choosing another one.

I tend to use soulshape most in the covenant hall.

I donā€™t remember having this problem on my Demon Hunter, she just selected an option from the npc and it changed straightaway.

If you prefer that it not pick your Crittershape while you are in a rested area, you can go to Choofa and tell him to remove your Crittershape. This will limit Wild Shape just to your Soulshapes.

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I went to play an epic BG. All i could see in my screen is the boomkins starfall and shooting stars. Terrible and imposing animation. I was frowning very hard

I hadnā€™t realised that crittershapes were a different thing to soulshapes, I thought they were all under the same thing. :woozy_face:

Thank you for the information, I will check that out when next in game. :+1: :heart:

Just checked your link, wow ! there are a lot of shapes ! :astonished:

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I got disconnected for dismounting mid-air and lost a macro.
So I added a Blizzard-profanity in the rewritten macro.

Always log out after making a macro.

realization that once again after years and years of trying, I still wint be able to finish school of hard knocks and complete the only achievement left to get that violet proto drake

You want a tip for it?

I remember why I donā€™t do too much group content, a tank leaving a key after one pack where nothing bad happened is ridiculous.

Some 3k rated warrior thatā€™s doing less damage than the tank. He also kept dying to avoidable damage, he didnā€™t attack clones on mistcaller and he was launched off several times on the trash to tredova.

Must have bought a boost or something because I donā€™t see how you play that bad and get to 3k rating.

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This comment did not age well. Gratz on your Violet Proto Drake!

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The mobile game was a huge frown.


I always forget what an utterly awful experience TW raids are and avoid them, once I get this achievement done Iā€™ll happily go back to ignoring this dreadful recycled content.

Warcraft Arclight Rumble made me frown today, it is the cringiest thing i have ever seen.

I think Iā€™m spamming at this point. But ā€¦ letā€™s go one more time:

I just got back to the game after I quit shadowlands immediately on launch. I cannot express in words how much I hate this expansion. But as a person whoā€™s played wow since 2005, despite loosing my first account ā€¦ I still have like 14-15 years on this one. And I have like 130 mounts and no transmogs? Time to do some old world content, you know?

To my shock, I discover CHROMIE TIME. Man, I havenā€™t been this in love with wow since Legion. I had a smile from cheek to cheek. I loved every second of it. THEN BAM! I hit lvl 50. The game teleports me away from the zone I was questing it and I GET BANNED FROM CHROMIE TIME.

If I had known, I would have stopped my character from leveling. But ā€¦ thatā€™s by no means the point. What if I want to level AND experience old content. Going back and oneshotting everything just sucks. Donā€™t get me wrong, I donā€™t want to make soloing old raids impossible. No. Iā€™m just saying ā€œOPT IN TO CHROMIE TIMEā€ and ofc ā€œOPT OUT OF CHROMIE TIMEā€. But donā€™t ban me from the gameā€™s best feature FFS.

Iā€™m so monumentally disapointed.

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My guess is they donā€™t like the idea of people abandoning the most recent leveling zones to level to max in old zones. By funneling everyone into the current expansion it makes the place more alive.

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